Luxe Beat Magazine AUGUST 2014 | Page 59

Travel F or those of us who enjoy giving and receiving gifts, it is an easy assumption to make that everyone does. They don’t. For those who think gifts don’t matter, they do. I know, along with what I said above, it seems completely contradictory, and it is. Each culture and part of the globe is different. I do not have the information on all, but will share the knowledge I do have. This article focuses on gifts for the business traveler, even though most also apply to individuals. This applies to those giving, as well as receiving. Some of my information is based on my own experience, others is adapted and updated for Do’s and Taboos Around the World, and Emily Post’s Entertaining by Peggy Post, as well as articles, tips and experiences I’ve picked up along the way. Gifts from your own country reflect the best, especially your own state, when possible. If you happen to be an author, your signed books work especially well. I’ve used these myself and seen sales result from those countries. Jazz, rhythm and blues and popular CDs are also well-received. Merchandise with your logo is an advertisement and viewed as such. I’ve made a living selling promotional advertising and believe in it, but subtle is better, i.e. small, embossed, printed on the bottom, etc. Gaudy does not work as a gift. Sport teams merchandise is just the opposite—especially those that are winners. It is quite well appreciated, as are college jerseys and hats. All these years later, Chicago Bulls and Bears hats are still appreciated. There was a survey done quite some time ago that I am thinking of revising to see current trends. A common denominator throughout was fear of giving the wrong thing. What’s important is knowing what is important and why. This varies from country to country. In Brussels bringing a hostess beautiful chrysanthemums is equivalent to giving a Chinese client a new desk clock. In both cultures, this is a reminder of death, quite negative. What works? A Zippo lighter used be “golden,” now it is risky business. For now, think PEN. Everyone writes, these are safe, portable, you can include a variety of levels from modestly priced to luxurious, depending on the circumstances. The purpose of the gift ties into the usefulness. At this point, pens are still useful and used more than most, hence a constant reminder. If at all possible, the gift should originate in the country you are coming from. On occasion, a local gift may be required. The thought does count but not as much as taking the time to think of the recipient as a person. For example, if you are made aware that the individual has longed to visit the western U.S., you are wide open to many gifts. One person said, “A gesture too lavish can cause more embarrassment than one too modest.” Dropping certain American brand names frequently has a magical effect. If you are still at a loss and the family has children, include some Disney T-shirts, Muppet dolls, or a latest rage. American cookbooks, if the hostess reads English, Beeswax Candles, Indian Pottery, Vermont maple syrup, or something of that type. If you are on the receiving end, here are some tips. Carry personalized stationary or thank you notes with you and address to the individual’s business or home address, as you go along. You will appreciate this is done when you are jet lagged. If you’ve taken a photo along the way you can send, it will be appreciated. Gift giving gets complicated, so I will attempt to break it up to regions. Please keep in mind there are always exceptions and a reason. Western Europe Business gifts are not generally given on the first encounter. Flowers are appreciated if sent ahead, so the hostess does not have the task of arranging them and it lets those off the hook who did not bring something. it was payment for dinner. Avoid logo gifts with large and prominent display of your company name/logo. Avoid anything extravagant or cheap, including the wrapping. Be sure to enclose a blank card with a handwritten note, not a business card. In Britain, they enjoy entertainment in the form of lunch dinner, drinks, or a night at the theater or ballet over gift giving. Japan (The following has been paraphrased from “Do’s and Taboos Around the World.”) Gift giving in Japan and its excessiveness are best described by writer Shintaro Ryo as, “Goodwill forced on the recipients largely for the purpose of creating a vague sense of duty...and obligation.” This has given practice to tar a imawashi, where you get a gift that has no value to you and you pass it on to the next individual. There are four types of gift giving in Japan: Gtri (duty) giving as described above. Collective giving which is giri giving but by a company or delegation of company representatives, thereby relieving the individual of obligation and keeping the transaction impersonal. Ulterior-motive giving, which by any other name could be called a bribe. Personal giving where there is a genuine emotional bond. There are two times a year when business gifts are obligatory: July 15 (the midyear of Chugen) and January Avoid giving 13 of anything, even flowers. For French, chrysanthemums signify mourning. Red roses are a gift between lovers for French and German. In France, records, art prints, and books on latest biographies, histories, and criticisms and memoirs of presidents and statesmen are appreciated. Good chocolate and liqueurs are always appropriate house gifts. Small porcelain, silver, candlesticks, etc. are always welcome. House gifts should be given before dinner. You do not want to insinuate 59 1 (year end or Toshidama). Business gifts are frequently given at first meetings. But do not embarrass your Japanese counterpart by being the only one to show up with a gift. In any situation, it is better to allow the other person initiate the giving. After all, it is more his custom than yours. So why not give him the satisfaction of making the first move. Avoid outgiving the Japanese—which may be viewed as placing an implication or obligation on them. By the same token, your return gift should not be dramatically inferior in value. Unless you have something for all, give your gift while alone. Do not expect it opened in front of you, nor should you open yours. If he does open yours or you his, do not show a lot of expression. A simple head bow and smile will do nicely. Do not be insulted by the valueless gifts. It is more the ceremony than the sentiment. The same rule does not apply to you. Never give tacky or jokey logo items, imprinted matchbooks, T-shirts, bumper stickers, or cheap ballpoint pens. You will rarely be invited to a Japanese home. If so, flowers are appropriate. Be sure to check with the florist that you are not arriving with sixteen-petal chrysanthemums reserved for the Imperial Family. Other welcome gifts include imported Scotch, cognac, frozen steaks purchased at an airport tax-free store.