Luton Muslim Journal >> Safar 1438 / Nov 2016 1 | Page 4

Luton Muslim Journal Safar 1438 | November 2016 Where should we put our money? This is a big question to the first, second or even third generation Muslims who have settled in the UK. There are those who believe all their savings must go back home to their native lands and they ensure it happens like that! They do this out of love, care and pride as well the fact that they achieved their main goal of going abroad in order to better the lives of family back home including the extended relatives. However, many go to the extremes of neglecting families in the UK. They spend all their savings in building a mega mansion (Big Bhasha in Bangladesh, Koty in Pakistan) yet the living conditions in the UK are appalling. A big family sharing a single toilet and a bathroom which results in bowel sickness and missing Fajr Salah due to toilet queue! Many wives and children complain about the tight and cramped houses they live in whist the father builds a big building back home for a few people to live in. The other side There are those who completely neglect and show no connection to their native culture and families back home. One of the greatest advantages of being British is that we are able to give to charity, and as Muslims it becomes an essential responsibility to care for the relatives and humanity at large. I want to conclude by saying that we as British Muslims must fulfil the needs of our families and communities in the UK and extend this to our relatives and families back home in our native lands. 4