Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Advent Newsletter 2017 | Page 5
just because we yearn for a peace-filled and
joyous Christmas season. This text, our first
On December 3 we will move into a new
Markan text of the new church year, empow-
liturgical year as we begin the Advent
ers us to hold these broken realities in tension
season. With this switch, we also leave
with the joy that accompanies the coming
behind last year’ focus on Matthew’s gos-
Christ child.
pel and turn our attention to Mark’s gos-
Mark is adamant that Christ’s coming will be
pel. The text to the side is the first text
offered for our worshipful consideration sudden, that God intercedes suddenly on our
behalf. Even while we are steeped in a broken
in this new church year. As we prepare
world, with no relief even in the most joyous of
for Christmas day, and then Epiphany
times, God breaks in upon our lives in sudden
when the wise men come to visit the
Christ child, this text situates our spiritual and unexpected ways. God’s only Son, our Sav-
ior and Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah is born
considerations in a jarring balance be-
in a manger. There can be no doubt that this is
tween joviality and sobriety.
an unexpected
All around us,
place to find God,
we hear the jin-
tangled in
gling of bells,
scratchy hay, cov-
smell the gen-
ered in the slime
erous sweets
of animal fluids
and savors of
and smells, and
holiday meals,
cold in the night.
feel the chill of
God comes
the wind and
amongst the
warmth of hot
mess and the
mugs of cider,
heartache, amidst
see the bright
the cold and the
flashes of tree
pain, in the sud-
lights and ornaments, and salivate at the
den and unexpected.
thought of sweet treats and age-old fami-
Christmas is not a time to ignore the pain we
ly recipes. To say the least, we have en-
feel or the need we see around us. Advent,
tered into a season of merriment.
Christmas, and Epiphany are about opening
But, in the church, we’re not quite there
our eyes and lamenting to God the broken-
yet… In the church, we provide a very re-
ness that persists, but all balanced with the
alistic and genuine glance at our world
hope in God’s promises. Because, God has
and our need for God’s intercession.
promised to break into that void with light and
While we sing songs of joy, we still see a
life and has promised to lift us up in love. May
broken world all around us. No matter
your Christmas season and new year be a time
how many times we sing “It’s Beginning
of authenticity and realness, coupling the
To Look A Lot Like Christmas,” we are
hardness of life with the joy of God’s promises
confronted with the pain of the world.
and selfless Messiah. May Christmas bring you
Hunger and need do not take a break
peace and hope.
In the church, we provide
a very realistic and genu-
ine glance at our world
and our need for God’s in-
tercession. While we sing
songs of joy, we still see a
broken world all around...