Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Advent Newsletter 2017 | Page 3

Advent: Blue is associated with Advent, suggesting hope. This association originated in Scandi- navia, probably because purple dye was too expensive for churches to use. Some assemblies use pur- ple in Advent, a color associated with royalty as the church awaits the newborn king. Christmas: White, calling to mind the purity of the newborn Christ, and to our light and joy in him. Time after Epiphany: Green is used for its symbolism of our growth in Christ. Green, in a sense, is a “neutral color,” used when more festive or more somber color is not appointed. Ash Wednesday: Purple is the preferred color as this is the first day of Lent. Historical- ly, black has also been used on this day, since it is the color of the ashes to which we will all return. Lent: Purple is typically associated with Lent, suggesting repentance and solemnity. Sunday of the Passion: Scarlet is the preferred color of this first day of Holy Week, as it suggests the deep color of blood. (Scarlet is to be distinguished from the brighter color of red, which is appointed for the Day of Pentecost, martyrs’ days, and certain church celebrations). If a parish does not have scarlet vestments, purple may be used. Days of Holy Week: Scarlet or purple may be used for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week. Maundy Thursday: For this fourth day of Holy Week, celebrated as the institution of the Lord’s Supper, scarlet, purple or white is used. Good Friday: No vestments or paraments are used on this day, after the stripping of the altar on Maundy Thursday night. Vigil of Easter: White or Gold suggestive of joy in the Resurrection is used on this night. Easter Day: Gold or white is suggested for this day. The gold color symbolizes that this day is the “queen of feasts,” unique in the entire church year. Sundays of Easter: White suggests the joy of the resurrection. Day of Pentecost: Red is the color of fire and the Holy Spirit and is used on this day when we remember the tongues of fire descended on the crowd in Jerusalem. In contrast to the color of scarlet, Pentecost’s red is a bright color. Time after Pentecost: Green is used, to indicate our growth in faith as we follow the teachings and ministry of Christ. Some assemblies use differing shades of green throughout the Sundays after Pentecost, a lighter green in summer and a darker green in fall. Reformation: We remember the work of the Holy Spirit in the Reformation with the color red and we also remember the bloodshed of the reformers in tragic battles between Christians. Christ the King: The final day of the church year uses white, a festive color suggesting light, joy, and the celebration of our Lord. *Other festivals displaying white are Epiphany of Our Lord, Baptism of Our Lord, Transfiguration of Our Lord, The Holy Trinity and All Saints