Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2018 Easter Invitation | Page 5

destruction, and despair, over which the powers of good are meant to pre- vail. It seems insufficient to pit these powers of brokenness against the powers of a fluffy, little lamb. There is a lot of symbolism in the Book of Revelation, and this cosmic battle can—in an oversimplified way—correspond to the Israelite fight for survival under the Roman regime. The author uses myths and fantasy to subvert the Roman identity. This empire, that so forcefully crafts a divine identity —the emperor is a god, the law is divine revelation, the military enforces divine decrees, etc.—in this Revelation are rendered more darkly, as evil antago- nist. Here on earth, the Roman Empire controlled the world from an earthly throne; in the Book of Revelation, this earthly throne is subverted by heaven’s throne as the true ruler, the true power. On this throne sits the lamb. At first glance, this lamb seems ill -equipped to battle the dragons and mon- sters of the Roman Empire, but the Book of Revelation is a book of upside - down powers, of unexpected turns of tables, of surprises and unorthodox victories. In the Book of Revelation, the fluffy, little lamb carries the great- est power. In this book, the Roman Empire is turned on its head and stripped of its influence and control; in this book, love and sacrifice are ele- vated over violence as the ultimate authority and influencers. The lamb ’s self-sacrifice, meekness, love for all, and courage to resist violence wins the day and delivers God’s people. The Book of Revelation reminds us who this God of resurrection really is: resurrection is peace and not violence, love and not hate, meekness and not haughtiness, fluffiness and not sharpness. In our Easter joy, born in Christ ’s resurrection and victory over death, we too sing out and rejoice in the fluffy, little lamb sitting on heaven ’s throne. The resurrection pulls back the fear of mortality from our eyes and lets us glimpse the true powers of this world, God’s power in this world, the fluffy lamb power that saves God ’s people from brokenness and despair. Christ conquered death so that love and self-sacrifice might remain. Let these be our worship this Easter sea- son—let love, peace, self-sacrifice, courage to resist violence, and meekness be our response to Christ ’s gift of life over death. In all of this, may God ’s presence guide you, strengthen you, grant you courage, and firm your hope in our promised resurrection. Amen.