Spring Ready Skin
with Veet Beauty Director –
Amy Erbacher
It is important to gently
exfoliate the skin regularly to remove the dead
skin cells and to allow for
other serums and moisturises to sink through
to the deeper layers of
the skin - it also helps to
prevent blocked pores
and breakouts. However, don’t always apply a
granular scrub; look for
gentle AHA and BHA exfoliants that are chemical
as it means there are no
granules. Apply just like
a serum and that’s it!
Switch Prod-
ing off your face! If need
be, apply your thicker
moisturisers in the evening as this is when the
skin will repair.
rums vitamin A, B, C.
It’s important to protect
the barrier and texture
of our skin. We can replace our handbags but
it’s not as easy to replace
the texture of our skin!
For spring and summer,
apply Vitamin C every
morning after cleansing.
I believe one of the most Great antioxidant to fight
skincare environmental factors
products on the market like the sun, grim and
is sunscreen. For those dirt as well as calming for
worried of pigmentation the skin.
and premature ageing
from the harmful effects NOTE- Be careful of skinof the UVA and UVB care products that conrays, sunscreen is a must! tain vitamin A, during
For everyday use look warmer months and
for a lightweight mois- ONLY apply in the eveturizer that has an SPF ning. Vitamin A is a very
factor above 15+. I love important anti aging insunscreens that have the gredient in skincare for
ingredient zinc as it also collagen renewal and
calming and healing for other fantastic benefits
all skin types. Look for a but because of the exfosunscreen that has been liating and collagen proformulated in Australia cess the skin can be more
so you know it works sensitised. Always apply
with our climate and sunscreen in the mornharsh sun. Also, don’t ing and remember to reforget to place sunscreen apply as vitamin A and
on your décolletage and citrus ingredients may
back on hands! We often cause photosensitivity to
forget these particular your skin including pigareas of the body are the mentation and your skin
first tell tale signs of age- may tend to burn more
quickly if no protection
is applied.
When the weather warms
up, it’s time to place your
‘thicker and more nourishing’ moisturisers in
the cupboard and opt
for a lightweight moisturiser, which is still hydrating. This is because
thicker creams may not
always agree with your
skin during the warmer
weather as the humidity may cause more oil
on your t-zone and you
don’t want your moisturActive Serums
iser and foundation slid- Such as skincare se-
Get more skincare advice with
Amy at amyerbacher.com.au