Avoid Foundation Fail!
Foundation is one of those
things, isn’t it? It’s either right or
wrong. Being a make-up artist,
I can spot a “wrong” foundation
a mile off. Fake tanners can be
the biggest offenders with the
wearing of their natural skin
coloured foundation instead of
introducing a more bronzed
foundation colour to the mix.
Mismatched face to body’ is
indeed quite the common faux
pas. So, for this most important part of your make-up, how
can you choose the right foundation?
erly, the foundation in question
must be applied to a clean face.
Most of the makeup houses also
have skincare, so the counter
person should be more than
happy to clean off your makeup. I’m also a big advocate of
applying foundation to at least
half of your face. Doing a little
stroke of foundie on the cheek
or neck is not going to cut it.
So, you’re in David Jones with
half your face made up, but
how’s that department store
lighting? Now, I used to work the
counters in my time,
“To really avoid ‘mismatched
and from experience,
face to body’ (observe photos) it’s an uphill battle to
try matching the foundation to get your colour right in
that lighting. Big time.
your décolletage.”
I used to drag my customer to the middle
of Pitt St. mall, mirror in hand
Time and Preparation
to really get the dealio. NatuFirstly, this is an exercise that ral light is your friend. It tells no
needs some time. Fronting up to lies. If in doubt, get a sample to
a counter on your lunch-break take home.
wearing a face full of makeup
with the intention of purchasing Match the foundation…
a new foundation in 5 minutes
is not the right approach. That where?
attitude is sure to get you the The assumption is to match
dreaded ‘mismatched face to the foundation to your face body’. Set aside some time to it makes sense, right? Wrong.
shop for the best foundation for To really avoid ‘mismatched
face to body’ (observe photos)
try matching the foundation to
your décolletage. By correct
Try Before You Buy
You must try it on. Not on the
back of your hand as this is
totally different to the skin on
your face.Straight on the dial
is the best way. To do this prop
ly colour-matching in this way
you’ll be complete in more than
just a made up head on a body
way. (I’m sure you are a whole
fabulous person but you get my
Choosing the
Have a good hard look at yourself and ask the question: Do
I look better? Or do I look like
I could be performing in a circus or nightclub? Have I aged
since wearing this foundation?
The purpose of foundation is to
even out your skin-tone, cover
flaws and to improve the appearance of your skin texture. If
these boxes aren’t ticked, move
Now, if your skin is in
bad nick (dry, crusty, etc.), buying a foundation that is going
to turn you into a 20 year old
super-model is quite an ask.
Good, daily skincare is the first
step in ensuring the foundation
you choose will enhance your
If you have a dry visages
– avoid powder-based foundations. Choose rich liquid formulas that add lustre to the skin
while oily faces – avoid dewy
bases (your natural oils will do
that for you) and opt for more
matte textures.
tips & you will never
waste your money on
the wrong foundation
ever again.
-Aleesa x