LUSD Facilities Master Plan | Page 9

Section One E x e c u t i v e Livingston Union School District | Facilities Master Plan S u m m a r y District Boundaries and School Locations School Sites and District Facilities DISTRIC T OFFICE 922 B St., Livingston CA 95334 Andres Zamora, Superintendent C AMPUS PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1845 H Street, Livingston, CA 95334 Grades: TK-5 Jorge Arteaga, Principal SELMA HERNDON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 714 Prusso St., Livingston, CA 95334 Grades: TK-5 Stella Montanez, Principal YAMATO COLONY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 800 N. Main Street, Livingston, CA 95334 Grades: TK-5 Alma DeLuna, Principal (At the time of the Master Plan) LIVINGSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 101 F St., Livingston, CA 95334 Grades: 6-8 Victoria Bradshaw, Principal PRUSSO CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER 848 Prusso St, Livingston, CA 95334 Ages: 3-5 Years old MAINTENANCE, OPERATIONS & TRANSPORTATION 922 1/2 “B” Street, Livingston, CA 95334 Nick Jones, MOT Director 7