LUSD Facilities Master Plan | Page 36

Section Three F a c i l i t y Livingston Union School District | Facilities Master Plan A s s e s s m e n t s 800 N. Main Street, Livingston, CA 95334 Grades: TK-5 Alma DeLuna, Principal Yamato Colony Elementary School MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide students with a comprehensive, standards aligned, quality educational program that is sustained with parent and community support. VISION STATEMENT It is our commitment to provide a systematic educational program in all academic areas. Curriculum will be standards based and differentiated to meet the individual needs of all our students. We will provide a learning environment that promotes positive self-esteem and stimulates academic achievement and enthusiasm for learning. Instruction and activities will be provided to help students understand and respect cultural diversity and individual differences. C APACIT Y SUMMARY Classroom Type Permanent Classrooms Portable Classrooms Total Classrooms Pull Out Classrooms (Unloaded) Total Loaded Classrooms Permanent Site Capacity Portable Site Capacity Total Site Capacity PRINCIPALS PRIORITIES • • • • • Replace Portable Classrooms with new Permanent Classrooms New / Improved Library Student Drop-off and Pick-up / Safer New Track. 5th Grade requires 1-mile Administration Office Addition / Re-Configuration DROP-OFF L ANES: Classrooms 16 15 31 7 23 340 203 543 Actual Enrollment - 518 ENROLLMENT HISTORY The parking lots should have safe and dedicated drop-off lanes, that are separated from the parking lot stalls. Reconfigure parking lot #1 to allow for a separation between the bus drop-off the vehicle drop-off lanes. Parking lot #3 can be re-striped to add an additional area for drop-off and pick-up. FENCING & GATES: Site fencing should be added to fill-in the gaps between the open edges of the campus, and balanced with different access gate locations that can be accessed and used by the community for after-hours activities. The gates would be lockable for securing the school site during the school hours, requiring a visitor to be directed to the Administration Office. LIBRARY: The existing portable Library should be replaced with a larger permanent Library Building. The new building should have ample study space, well-lit with natural day-light and views to the outside. This space can be used for after-hours learning. SHADE: COMMUNIT Y & STAFF MEETING LOWEST C ATEGORY SURVE Y SCORES 2.78 (out of 5) Drop-off and pick-up lanes need to be improved for ease of use and safety. 3.3 (out of 5) School site safety and security. 3.38 (out of 5) After-hours Learning. Outdoor and indoor spaces need to be created to support after-hours learning. 3.41 (out of 5) Classroom quality and conditions. Fabric and Metal Shade Structures should be added in various locations. Fabric Structures over the play equipment, and Metal Structures at gathering areas. PORTABLE REPL ACEMENT: The portable building should be replaced with new more permanent buildings, Modular or Permanent Construction. For more information refer to pages 58 and 59 34