Section Three
F a c i l i t y
Livingston Union School District | Facilities Master Plan
A s s e s s m e n t s
Campus Park New Multi-Purpose Building
The existing Multi-Purpose room is not adequate for the needs which its serves.
• The existing functional area is about 4 square feet for each enrolled
student. The room size should be closer to 6 square feet for each
enrolled student.
• Board Trustee Mr. Vernon Boyd stated that this room was designed to
meet the very basic needs at the time, and as the campus population has
increased, the room has proven to be too small and not adequate for the
needs of the campus.
• The room area is undersized, requiring multiple lunch services.
• The ceiling is too low.
• The room acoustics are poor.
• The serving line at the kitchen is too small and slows the serving times
• There are no adjacent student restrooms.
• There is no stage or platform
• There is no storage.
• The room lacks any features to support student celebrations and events.
• There is no natural light.
• The doors used by the students include two (2) single 36” wide doors;
double doors are needed.
• The double doors in this space face the parking lot, and these cannot be
used by the students.
In assessing the need to increase the size for a larger MPR space, some initial
thoughts were considered. The only option would be to add a building addition
to the north, and extend into the campus core. No real improvements have been
made, and in some cases the attempt to improve the existing interior space has
made the exterior spaces less suitable for the site.
The solution is a new Multi-Purpose Building that would be equipped with a
stage and a new kitchen. The proposed size of the new building is 6,800 square
feet. The building program includes 6,300 square feet for a Multi-Purpose room
with a stage and adequate storage, 2,000 square feet for a kitchen, and 500
square feet for student restrooms.
The new building would be placed on the west end of the campus, and
encroach into a parcel of land that is owned by the District. The added land
allows the campus core to be defined between the new MPR building and the
Administration building. New gathering spaces and a play court would be
placed outside of the building that would act as the hub of activity.
Existing MPR Building