LURE 1 | Page 84

L U R E rod back. At the pressure the lure hooks up and the fight’s on. When it comes to the sharp end of his lures Andy does things a bit differently. Gone are the standard trebles, replaced instead by Vanfook single hooks. Doing this all of the pressure that Andy puts into the strike and during the fight is focused through one point, as opposed to spread across three. Penetration of the hook into the tough mouths 1) The right tools for the job are needed for pike. Whatever the size, their teeth are always sharp. 2) A better fish for Andy is shown to the camera in front of a stunning Welsh backdrop. 3) A quick unhooking results in a quick return, results in a less-stressed pike. of predators is improved and it’s something Andy swears by, having seen no difference in hookups or lost fish. It’s also obviously makes unhooking a whole lot easier too – something evidenced by this fish that is out the water, on the boat and back in again in no time. We’re off the mark. The crank delivers a brace of other pike, both around the 5lb, lean 50 to 60cm mark. And then the light changes. That breeze has b acro lown t h s the s the la e last o s f glar ky to le ndscap the clo e u in a ceas g suns ve just , cleani ds n h e b clea s as th ine ove lue an g d r e r envi water. light p head. A i r Am The onmen ove erces th ction t t r e pike easoni is need o a dar n ker e , need being a g behin d. d th the cover. mbush i Part othe hun s is tha t whe r t n th is low of this i ers, l s up, e ther bright ight lev foliage els ne , e’s a good ss is tu , so rn cha nce ed they ’ll