1) A Savage Gear Salt
Water Sandeel proved extremely
effective. A stinger was a must, with the
majority of fish hooked on the rear.
2) Fluorocarbon trace reduces rig visibility and retains
accurate presentation and lure feel.
3) It’s dark down there so to help zander locate the lure a small rattle
chamber up the trace is like a dinner bell.
Well over 90 fish fell to
ours and the Lure
mag crew’s boat.
sees his lure swimming just
off the bottom, tail thumping
away while he dials in vertical
movements to increase
attraction. The rod position
allows Ant to drop the lure
down to the bottom, keeping
him in touch with the depth,
and lift to a foot up while still
giving him enough leverage to
strike and set hooks.
The important aspect of the
lifting and lowering is that you
stay in touch with the lure.
This is most important on
the downward action where a
lowering rather than a drop is
vital. Hits come more readily
as the lure falls, and if you
have a grasp of where the
bottom is and therefore when
your braid should go slack
you’ll be able to interpret an
earlier slack line as a take and
hit it.
On the first drift both anglers
miss bites. A readjustment