LUMEN Issue 9 - June 2015 | Page 11

Passing on the

Passing on the

Passion reading


By Loh Ye- Han Brian
The Reading Circle Programme is the anchor of the Reading Programme in SJI . Started in 2010 , it aims to spread the joy of reading through discussion of questions about a common text . Selected students are trained as Reading Facilitators who will then lead their classmates in the discussion in a group . For the first three years , the English Department worked with National Library Board ’ s consultant to train the facilitators . Thereafter , we started our in-house training programme where our Secondary Four student leaders are carefully selected to run the training workshop for the lower secondary and
Secondary Three students . We have been doing that for the last three years and Brian Loh is from the third batch of student leaders who trained the student facilitators . He shares with us his experience on this journey of reading and self-discovery .

Ever since I was young , I have always had a passion for reading . I loved being able to escape into a mystifying new world and journey alongside the characters as they ventured into the unknown .

Upon entering SJI , the introduction to Reading Circles was definitely an eye-opening experience for me . To me , having group discussions to analyze various literary works using critical thinking skills was an innovative as well as fresh way of looking at texts . Applying the questions , each with its own unique purpose , helped me to delve beyond the surface level during analysis . At the same time I learnt how to question more and this ignited my imagination . It was an interesting experience and I enjoyed taking part in the activities immensely .
In Secondary Three , I applied for the Talent Development Programme for English and succeeded in my application . Through the programme , my love for reading as well as the language grew . Having relished the experience of Reading Circles during my lower secondary days and a growing love for the language , I promptly accepted when given the opportunity to become the understudy for the Reading Facilitator Workshop in Secondary Three . As one of the two understudies , we were both tasked with learning the ropes by observing how the seniors conducted the workshops in preparation to take over the helm and facilitate the workshops the following year . I attended the workshops for both the lower and upper secondary , where I picked up invaluable tips from the facilitators and learnt effective presentation skills and how to generate a discussion .
This year , I conducted the Reading Facilitator Workshops with Jonathan , who was also the understudy from the previous year . As the student leader , I hope to impart some knowledge of facilitation and a love for reading to the participants . Having participated in a number of workshops , the journey through the various Reading Facilitator Workshops was one which I enjoyed immensely .
Aside from helping me gain a sharpened ability in wielding the language , Reading Circles has also enabled me to be more appreciative of the various literary works . It has solidified my love for the language and reminded me of the joys of reading . As a student leader , the benefits I have gained from this experience are not just the fond memories of the programme , but also the gratification of being able to contribute to the school community .
This page ( left ): Brian ( standing in the middle ) leading one of the Reading Facilitators Workshops in which a Master Teacher from English Language Institute of Singapore ( far left ) was present to learn about our Reading Programme