LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 9

Lasallian education forms disciples and citizens , prophets and professionals , who bring the transforming power of the Gospel to bear on every human endeavor in order to realize God ’ s kingdom of truth , justice , love and peace .

In his lifetime , the Founder wrote meditations and letters instructing and supporting his Brothers in the teaching profession , each time reminding them that God has called them to be “ guardian angels ” to the “ children entrusted to their care .” The Founder reiterated strongly the theology of the teaching profession particularly in his meditations for the time of retreat . Apart from his meditations , there was a document called “ The Conduct of Schools .” This was a day-to-day guide for the Brothers on how to conduct themselves in the classroom , especially relating to their students . After the Founder ’ s death , this document had several revisions made to it so as to meet new challenges in education . As such , the Brothers should not allow themselves to lag behind in their professional duties . The need for constant personal and professional growth was always in the forefront for the Founder and his successors .

The Educational Bulletin of the Christian Schools ( August 1914 ) states : " The student of education brings with it the advantage of making one avoid routine , of freeing one ’ s mind of preconceived opinions , and of renewing in the teacher a taste for very noble but monotonous functions … Study extends and increases personal ideas through a broad-based and intelligent understanding of other people ’ s ideas … it teaches a teacher intellectual modesty and leads him to question his own professional competence ; it inspires him to make changes in himself , so that he can progress from being adequate to become better , and then to be good … Education is progressive .” This document supports the founding vision and mission of

Lasallian education forms disciples and citizens , prophets and professionals , who bring the transforming power of the Gospel to bear on every human endeavor in order to realize God ’ s kingdom of truth , justice , love and peace .

St . John Baptist de La Salle that we are invited daily to be open to pedagogical innovation balanced with the pragmatism of common sense . This means for us in the present that all of us in a Lasallian school are called to be positive in their undertaking for personal and professional advancement .
“ Lasallian education forms disciples and citizens , prophets and professionals , who bring the transforming power of the Gospel to bear on every human endeavor in order to realize God ’ s kingdom of truth , justice , love and peace .” ( Principles of Lasallian Education )
Our mission is to give a human and Christian education to the young especially in schools , with the service of the poor . We now see that our schools have a “ broader ” meaning , they have become a place for programmes with activities to help young people to make a difference in society . To be a servant leader who is ready to serve his / her fellow brothers and sisters in society promoting peace and justice .
A school of the De La Salle Brothers can be summed up as “ opportunity ,” “ challenge ,” “ trust ,” “ vocation ” and “ community ”.