LUMEN Issue 6 - December 2013 | Page 9

When your motivation comes from within you , it is stronger than any expectations from anyone else , because when you are motivated , your potential is limitless .
PROGRAMMES | LUMEN 7 won a “ Special Prize of the Jury ” for the Dramaturgy of the competition programme , was placed second in this category losing out by only 0.7 points to the winning choir .
The experience from the trip surprised many members of the Ensemble , not just because of the awards garnered , but also because it showed them the level of discipline and self-control they had within themselves as an Ensemble to succeed and bring glory to the school . Chan Tian Min , President of the Ensemble in 2012 , was just a young Secondary 2 boy when he went on the trip to Prague . He recalls , “ Overall , I felt that the tour was a very good learning experience for me . It had really taught me to be more independent , punctual and have a much greater sense of responsibility . We had worked really hard for the award and to see [ our hard work ] pay off is something really special for all of us . In addition , I will always treasure and remember the friendships built during the trip with my fellow members in the choir .” Of course , one of the highlights of the trip was the many snowball fights in sub-10 degrees celsius . The success of the trip planted the first seeds of excellence in the Vocal Ensemble , and set the stage for more successful performances .
Fresh out of the experience and sterling results of the Prague trip , the Vocal Ensemble participated in its first ever Singapore Youth Festival ( SYF ) in 2011 . In comparison to the schools with long standing traditions of Gold awards , the SJI Vocal Ensemble was literally just a newcomer , an unknown in the local music scene . The new Secondary Ones were trained as quickly as possible in order to level them up with the rest of the Ensemble , which already had a strong foundation from their overseas experience . “ This was quite a sizeable amount of pressure for a newly-inducted Secondary One student like me to take on then . The intensive attention and training given to us by our seniors molded us into the independent singers and leaders we are today . I remember my Secondary Four seniors providing encouragement and moral support to us and till this day , it still amazes me how they never once lost their temper with us and still managed to

When your motivation comes from within you , it is stronger than any expectations from anyone else , because when you are motivated , your potential is limitless .

Jeshaiah Ng
get the job done ,” said Jeshaiah Ng , the current President of the Ensemble .
Indeed , the Vocal Ensemble relies not just on the direction of Mr Toh Ban Sheng , but also on the commitment and dedication of the members , and the guidance and trainings by the seniors . It is this synergy that keeps the Ensemble close knit and always in top form . The SJI Vocal Ensemble ’ s performance at SYF 2011 was stunning . Months of intensive practices , physical , mental and vocal regimes all paid off when the announcement was made that the Ensemble had been awarded Gold with
Honours . Jeshaiah remembers the moment , “ The euphoria experienced was unlike ever before , or ever since , and the image of the choir literally leaping out the door of the concert hall will stay in my mind for a long time to come . When your motivation comes from within you , it is stronger than any expectations from anyone else , because when you are motivated , your potential is limitless .”
Being a Co-Curricular Activity in a Lasallian school , the Vocal Ensemble upholds dearly the values of Faith , Service and Community . Besides being the choir that leads the school in the five major masses in the school calendar , the members also lend their voices for weekly morning masses at the chapel , and at major Catholic observances like Maundy Thursday , and the annual pilgrimage to Mount Carmel . The Ensemble also serves the less fortunate by putting up a concert to raise funds for the Japanese Earthquake relief efforts in 2011 , and performing for the residents at Saint Theresa ’ s home .
The achievements of the SJI Vocal Ensemble are the envy of many established school choirs . When asked what makes the Vocal Ensemble tick , the members were united in agreeing that it is the strong support from the teachers and conductor together with a never-say-die attitude amongst the members that enable it to be well-bonded , inclusive , and determined . The Ensemble as a whole never gives up and always finds strength to push through stereotypes and restrictions , and always triumphs over all difficulties . “ Our community spirit and collective patience for each and every member has helped us foster strong bonds together as a choir ,” says Louis Quah , the current Welfare Head of the Ensemble .
“ We have managed to stay strong under the guidance of our teachers , student leaders and conductor who all put in tremendous effort in ensuring our choir works efficiently ,” added Peter Dumont , a Secondary Two student , and Samuel Murugasu of LE 102 agrees , “ Thanks to Mr Toh , Section Leaders and teachers who have helped us in more ways than one , we are able to reach our potential .”
Said American folk singer Pete Seeger , “ Songs are funny things . They can slip across borders . Proliferate in prisons . Penetrate hard shells . I always believed that the right song at the right moment could change history .” History was made when the SJI Vocal Ensemble was formed , giving students passionate about singing the opportunity to share their talents and inspire others through song . Despite their successes so far , the members remain humble and know that hard work and dedication to the Ensemble is key to their success . They look forward to more years of music making and everlasting friendships .
Facing page ( top ): A Gold-with-Honours performance at SYF 2011
Facing page ( bottom ): Fund raising concert for Japanese Tsunami victims
This page ( top and centre ): Singing in a beautiful church in Europe during the Prague Tour in 2010
This page ( bottom ): Leading the school in a Mass