LUMEN Issue 6 - December 2013 | Page 19


Class of 1993


By Melvin Quek
Annually a cohort of old boys returns to SJI for its 10th year reunion . 2013 is significant for the Class of 1993 . Their batch not only celebrated their 20th anniversary but also managed to gather in SJI on the Malcolm Road campus before renovation , over the next two years , transforms the school .

On 12 October 2013 , many alumni gathered at the Founders ’ Hall in SJI . Significantly , it will most likely be the last reunion of any kind on the SJI premises before the school undergoes its major makeover from 2014 . The organising committee spent close to five months planning for this homecoming event with one common objective : to reunite students from the class of 1993 and in the hope that the students will continue staying in touch with each other . Close to 140 students attended the reunion , together with a number of teachers and Dr . Koh Thiam Seng , current principal of SJI .

Many of the old boys flew in from overseas to attend the event which served as a great opportunity to catch up with long lost friends and teachers : Mr Tang Wing Kee , Mr Patrick
Zehnder , Mr Anthony Khoo , Mrs Goh Poh Kenn , Mr Edmund James , Mr Anthony D ’ Cruz , Mr Kok Chee Keong , Ms Chi Pin Lay , Mrs Amy Chua , Ms Teresa Lim and Friar Michael D ’ Cruz .
The committee together with the SJI Old Boys Association ( SJIOBA ) prepared two items to be auctioned off , with all proceeds going towards the school fund . The first item was an SJI umbrella with signatures from all the teachers who attended the reunion dinner . It was presented in a specially designed casing . The second item was a limited edition SJI watch . Both items were auctioned off to Mr Heng Boon Seng and Mr Ainsley Toh respectively .
As a sign of gratitude to the school for making us the men we are , the proceeds from organising the event were donated to the school fund .
This page ( top left ): ( from left ): Ms Chi Pin Lay , Mr Anthony Khoo , Mr Kok Chee Keong , Mrs Goh Poh Kenn ,
Mr Edmund James , Mr Kok Chee Keong , Mr Tang Wing Kee , Friar Michael D ' Cruz , Dr Koh Thiam Seng and
Mr Patrick Zehnder
This page ( above right ): The specially autographed umbrella goes to Mr Heng Boon Seng , second from left
This page ( bottom right ): Mr Ainsley Toh , the proud owner of the SJI watch
This page ( bottom left ): The organising committee for the Homecoming event