LUMEN Issue 4 - December 2012 | Page 13

What SJI Means

What SJI Means

When I think of SJI , I think of friends more than anything else . You know , when you get together in your 30s and act like 12-year-old children again , that feeling is amazing .
Mark Foo , Class of 1999
to have a roaring good time
A place where I study and grow , and make friends who are true for the rest of my life .
Richard Seow , Class of 1976
The school encourages people to be the best that they can be ; that ’ s why there is a wide variety of graduates , from performing artistes to politicians and chairmen of corporations . We are encouraged to develop God ’ s gifts to the fullest .
Gerard Ee , Class of 1965
A good school where I became a Christian and my godfather is Brother Dominic Yip .
Michael Goh Hung Keng , Class of 1964