Always do your best in whatever you do . If you fail don ' t give up .
Russell Yip
engage fully in his school life and emerge with excellent results is a strong testament to Russell ’ s great zeal to serve , grow and excel .
Russell is also quick to point out he could not have done without the help of many of his teachers . “ Ms Deborah Goh , in particular , is one teacher I ’ m very thankful for ,” Russell says of his Secondary Two English language tutor . “ I ’ m a perfectionist at heart and I was constantly dissatisfied . Ms Goh gave me confidence and kept reassuring me that perfection should not be a goal .”
Facing page : Russell and Hubert This page ( top ): The avid member of the Guitar Ensemble This page ( bottom ): Hubert all prepared for training
Russell puts in 100 % and even more when tasked to do anything . Teachers can be assured that when he undertakes a responsibility , he is one student who will try to accomplish it to the very best of his ability .
The other winner of the 2011 Junior Josephian of the Year , Hubert Yeo is another fine example of a well-rounded young Josephian who is living up to the call of being a Man of Integrity and a Man for Others . The school canoeist attained a Silver medal for the C1 500 metres and a Gold medal for the C2 500 metres at the National Inter-School Canoeing Championships . He also topped his cohort academically in Secondary One while maintaining stellar results throughout Secondary Two .
The teacher in charge of Canoeing , Mr Bernard Teo commented , “ Hubert is an unassuming leader in the canoeing team , well respected and highly regarded as one of the Vice- Captains of the ‘ C ’ Division team . He puts in his best effort for all tasks assigned to him and leads by example during trainings and competitions .” One of his peers was heard asking him , " How do you do it ? Do you eat during recess ?" He was probably echoing the sentiments of many who were curious about how Hubert could juggle so many things and yet enjoy what he does . “ SJI changed me . Canoeing is time consuming and it has taught me that balance is essential . I also have my family to thank for , for being understanding . When they think I ’ m getting out of hand they will tell me , and I ’ ll try to correct myself ,” Hubert said gratefully .
Hubert is always there for his friends . He administered the class website , created notes and built the class wiki knowledge base for all subjects and shared them openly with the level and anyone who needed them . He also initiated and planned many activities for the class including several camps , outings and gatherings to encourage class bonding . He inspires through example ; and he rallies his peers through pure inspiration .
Enjoy Everything You Do
Russell and Hubert have made SJI proud with their strong sense of values and achievements . Both agree that passion is important . “ Be passionate and enjoy everything that you do ,” says Russell , “ Always do your best in whatever you do . If you fail don ’ t give up .”
SJI sort of forced me to structure my time and practise good values in my everyday life ...
Hubert Yeo