LUMEN Issue 27 - June 2024 | Page 22

Ng Jun Han ( LE608 )

New Friends and Lasting Memories in Cambodia

Marie Chan ( LE606 ) and the children folding origami

As part of the Global Education Programme ( GEP ), 30 Josephians had a once-in-a-lifetime experience in Phnom Penh , Cambodia . Ng Jun Han ( LE508 ) shares his experience :

“ Under the guidance of our four teachersin-charge Mr Jude Tan , Mr Russell Tan , Mrs Josephine Lee , and Ms Adriana Wong , we were tasked with the responsibility of planning three days of English lessons and activities aimed at helping the children at La Salle Pouthum school . Yet , this aim of ‘ help ’ was never explicitly defined . It was ultimately a term that we would soon discover .
During the three days at La Salle Pouthum , we realised that there was much more to these lessons and activities . We barely spoke their native language of Khmer , while the children barely spoke English . And yet , we overcame that . Communication , as we have learnt it to be , is more than just adopting a lingua franca . It also entailed emotions , facial expressions , and actions that we display towards one another .
With so few words being said , we managed to forge bonds with the children . I had the privilege to form a friendship with two Grade 4 boys . I remember trying to get to know them better by asking some basic questions in English . However , apart from their names , all I really got as responses were their smiles . To which , I reciprocated with a smile of my own . The constant exchanges of smiles managed to convey so much meaning with so few words being said and for that reason , I felt a