LUMEN Issue 26 - December 2023 | Page 30

While God definitely can satisfy the infinite desires of the heart , in His goodness He also knows that we find great consolation and benefit from other human beings . Living with the other friars not simply as brothers but as friends makes community life very joyful . We laugh , joke , chat , study , work and pray together . The SJI motto is actually taken from a religious order – the Benedictines . I told a student a few weeks ago that if he enjoys the communal aspect of SJI and its togetherness in the ora et labora , he will probably find the religious life meaningful ( and I daresay enjoyable ).
of six or more years . Just like how dating a girl gives you the time to get to know her before deciding whether or not you want to marry her , similarly the time spent in formation is preparation for both the individual and the congregation to see if they want each other or not .
The religious life is a life given to God , with the support of your brothers or sisters every step of the way . In all these years I have only one regret – that I did not enter earlier !”
What are your thoughts on social justice and caring for the poor and the least ?
Christ has left us the two great commandments : to love God and to love our neighbour . In his encyclical Caritas in veritate ( Charity in truth ), Pope Benedict XVI said that “ justice is the primary way of charity ”. If I am unjust to somebody , how can I claim that I love them ?
The last , the lost and the least were very dear to the heart of St John Baptist de la Salle not because he was an 18th century version of today ’ s “ social justice warrior ” but because he saw in them Christ who was suffering .
Depending on our circle of involvement , perhaps the poor and the least are not those who are materially needy , but those who suffer in other ways – emotionally , psychologically , spiritually , physically . These are still sufferings which are very real and very painful . I think that whenever we see a need and we know that we are equipped to at least alleviate the sufferings of the other , the least that we can do in justice and in charity is to extend that aid .
What advice would you give to a young person who is considering the religious life ?
To a young person , I would say , don ’ t be afraid to consider it ! Thinking about it doesn ’ t mean you are already signing yourself up for life . Don ’ t be afraid also to speak to a religious about it .
Finally , don ’ t be afraid to try the religious life . The definitive and lifelong commitment of solemn or perpetual vows is only made after a formative journey
Photo credit : “ Church of Saints Peter and Paul ” and “ Archdiocese of Singapore ”