LUMEN Issue 24 - December 2022 | Page 9

Installation of four layers of vinyl sticker over a blue painted surface at our Block B elevator landing .
Into the Fire is a layered , holographic vinyl sticker installation that expresses the overwhelming passion of our founder for people and learning .
So , how do I experience the work ?
Well , begin at Ignite at the Sheltered walkway , then take a walk through the central corridor that runs close to the labyrinth where you will be greeted by Into the Fire . Follow the sounds of the water feature to the slope and take the steps up to Snuffed Out and spend some time within its centre . Then walk towards the amphitheatre and sit by the steps or even by Rekindling . As you make your way around the chapel , you will see Sharing the Light , with the faces of many Lasallians around La Salle .
To find out more about the works , visit this virtual site : https :// sites . google . com / sji . edu . sg / awalkinthelightoflasalle
You may also watch the special video that features the voices of these alumni , prepared by Pakrisamy S / O Balakrishnan ( LE302 ) and Vishalraj Kalyan Palanikumar ( LE302 ).
We hope you will enjoy the walk with La Salle ! Ora et Labora !