Artists for Sharing the Light , Bonaventura Kevin ( Class of 2012 ) and Viany Sutisna ( SJI International Class of 2014 ).
Opening New Pathways
Early developmental artist sketch for Sharing the Light .
Installation of ‘ Sharing the Light ’.
Finding time to problem-solve after a long day of teaching was oftentimes very challenging . Artists like Glen Heng and Jason Cheong made time amidst their busy and tight schedules as architects to have virtual meetings past 11pm on weekday nights . It was through collaborating with one another that it quickly became clear that we were able to find new ways of thinking together . Says Glen , “ Through this whole process , it has not just been artists doing the work . We had to work with Michael and the school to gain insights from other people . We also worked with subcontractors who made these artworks possible .”
Perhaps of most significance were developing abstract works to capture some of the most complex aspects of La Salle ’ s life . Both Snuffed Out and Rekindling are works which invite all to reconsider even how they approach , interpret and understand an artwork for the message that it brings . For Snuffed Out , there is an interactivity that requires viewers to either sit within the main ocular structure , or to move the scattered wooden blocks about , a symbolic movement reminiscent of the furniture from La Salle ’ s schools that were damaged in his most trying of times .
Snuffed Out is an interactive artwork that is meant to be moved about and has a space for visitors to sit within the main ocular structure .
A 3D visualisation created using Sketch Up by the artists to get accurate dimensions and shapes for each piece of the structure made out of marine plywood and stainless steel .
A crane was used to hoist the heavy pieces of Snuffed Out from Malcolm Road to the inner compound of SJI during the September holidays .
Early developmental sketches that show Glen & Jason ’ s architectural training being used to conceptualise Snuffed Out .
Snuffed Out was assembled over a period of four days due to its complex design and various parts .