LUMEN Issue 24 - December 2022 | Page 16

Bryant Chan ( FN401 )
Laura Chin Jian Feng ( FN505 )
The SJI Military Band has been my CCA for the entire four years I have spent in SJI . During this time I have been grateful for the fun times that I have spent with my peers and the various opportunities that this CCA has enabled me to partake in , such as performing at the Esplanade in 2022 .
Fun fact : the SJI Military Band was the first school military band that played in the National Day Parade in 1966 , which then started the series of school bands being involved in the National Day Parades in Singapore . This , on top of the many distinctions achieved at various SYF Competitions across the years , is a testament to the prestigious standing of the band which the school can pride itself on .
I really like spending time with my friends during lunch . This particular drawing of a photograph taken after Arinah ’ s birthday celebration features us packed together at the canteen table . Although we may not all be engaged in the same conversation , being in each other ’ s physical presence is something that we all enjoy . I love how our friendship gradually grew throughout these months of eating together and I look forward to spending that one hour of each school day with these people whom I care about and treasure very dearly .
Phua Ping Yuan ( ML513 )
People - members of the visual arts club , as well as the dance club !! Both CAS groups have been such wholesome and supportive communities , and the sessions with them have been something I always look forward to each week . Despite the short year , I cherish how we have accomplished so much together ! Through projects such as the “ Enflammer ” stairwell painting , or the Teachers ’ Day performance , both clubs have shown me the joy that comes from working with - as well as serving in - this big community .
Muhammad Aqid ZIkri ( LE101 )
Despite my four and a half years in SJI , finding my place in this school has always been hard for me ; therefore , I could not be more grateful to my CAS peers and teachers for providing me with this sense of belonging :)
One thing in SJI that means a lot to me is my own classroom . I remember first stepping foot into the LE101 classroom and feeling a sense of gratitude wash over me . Before this , I had actually been sent to my third-choice school . I felt disappointed even though I had improved my results during the PSLE , it was still not enough to secure my desired school . However , there was one lifeline left : my mother appealed to get me a place in SJI . During this period of time , I had very little hope .
Luckily , 3 days before the start of school , my mother received the long-anticipated good news : I had gotten into SJI ! I was ecstatic and relieved . I had done it . It felt as if I had just accomplished the first major thing in life , getting into a good secondary school . Therefore , my classroom means a lot to me as it reminds me that all my hard work for the PSLE had paid off and I should use the opportunity to learn to the best of my ability .