LUMEN Issue 21 - June 2021 | Page 11

It is a good place for resources whenever when I want to write my English essays or my Chinese essays . It is also very good for projects when I need to draw inspiration from the many book series that are here in the library .

It is a good place for resources whenever when I want to write my English essays or my Chinese essays . It is also very good for projects when I need to draw inspiration from the many book series that are here in the library .

- Choo Yi Ming , FN302

Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of The Beurel ’ s Opening at 169th Founder ’ s Day on 30 April
In conjunction with the Founder ’ s Day celebrations on 30 April , a video that traces the evolution of the library was screened at the event to mark the opening of the Beurel on Founder ’ s Day two decades ago . A specially commissioned plastic bookmark shaped after the “ eye of God ” stained glass window was custom made for students and staff as a souvenir to commemorate The Beurel .
2001 - Official Opening of The Beurel
2007 - Spydus Library Management System installed
2013 - Introduction of online databases
2017 - First Teacher-Librarian - New Library Website - First Singa-Lit Festival
2018 - First formal Library Orientation for all Year 1 and 2 students
- First large-scale Book Week ( Gardens of Tomorrow )
- Hosted 30 Years at Malcolm Road celebrations
2019 - First Poetry Potpourri - Opening of the Missio 1852
2020 - First Online Research Modules implemented
- First Online Book Week ( We Rise by Helping Others )
- First Online Poetry Potpourri - Introduction of ebooks
2021 - 169th Founder ’ s Day and 20th Anniversary of The Beurel
- Introduction of audiobooks
Facing page ( top left ): LE203 Anthology of writings for the literary event Gardens of Tomorrow in 2018 Facing page ( top right ): Poetry classes in a local cafe setting in 2019 Facing page ( bottom ): Book Swap 2021 This page ( centre ): The Beurel Library Bookmark commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the library ’ s opening
This page ( left ): Being the top reader for Semester 1 this year , Aric Mark Amaraganthan ( FN203 ) represented the student body to join in the cake-cutting with Fr Adrian Danker
This page ( bottom left ): The celebration cake
This page ( bottom right ): School leaders at the 169th Founder ’ s Day and 20th Anniversary of The Beurel ’ s Opening on 30th April 2021