Lessons from the
Global Classroom
Chengdu ShiShi High School - Chengdu , China 22 students experienced Chengdu , China through Chengdu ShiShi High School . Over the course of five sessions , the students discussed a variety of topics such as the ways how water was used in their cities , how to improve the standard of living and of course , different local cuisines .
However , the highlight of the programme was the sharing of the topic of “ Me and My City ”. Each student travelled to their favourite place around Singapore and shot informative Vlogs for the sharing sessions . All the individual videos were then combined to form one beautiful and engaging video which they proudly shared with the Chinese students . Through the sharing of this topic , they also learnt about some of the magnificent sights in Chengdu such as the Giant Panda Research and Conservatory Centre , Chun Xi Road and the famous Dujiangyan irrigation system . The interaction with the students from Shishi School and our students greatly enjoyed each other ’ s company and over the course of the GEP , some close friendships were forged .
Clockwise ( from top left ):
Samuel and Jeffrey introducing the iconic Merlion in their Vlog
Michelle and Keshia introducing Jewel in their Vlog
A screenshot of some of the participants
A picture of the participants of the GEP with some Mala dishes bought by the teachers
Ikeda Junior-High School - Kagoshima , Japan Our students gained a deeper understanding of the Japanese culture through their online interaction with the students from Ikeda Junior- High school in Kagoshima , Japan . During this time , they also honed their communication skills and gained experience from their participation in a Japanese National Science competition .
Students were introduced to Japanese culture , from anime to food . In return , our Josephians presented the best of Singapore , from laksa and durians , to the Flyer and Jewel Changi Airport . They focused on the science behind these Singaporean icons for their Science presentations and impressed the judges with the quality of their work where two of our groups won the “ Excellence ” and the “ Nishin Sake Brewery ”
awards .
The students reflected that they learnt a lot through this entire experience , appreciating the importance of “ resilience ”, “ perseverance ” and “ time-management ” when completing their Science presentations . They have also learnt how to manage interactions between two different groups of people speaking completely different languages .