From the
2019 marks the 300th death anniversary of our Founder , St John Baptist de La Salle . Since 1680 , La Salle has been a pioneer in founding training colleges for teachers , reform schools for delinquents , technical schools , and secondary schools for modern languages , arts , and sciences . His work spread quickly throughout France and across the globe after his death in 1719 . In 1900 , John Baptist de La Salle was declared a Saint . In 1950 , because of his life and inspirational writings , he was made Patron Saint of all those who work in the field of education . La Salle inspired others how to teach and care for young people , how to meet failure and frailty with compassion , how to affirm , strengthen and heal . Through his visionary mission to reach out and to educate the last , the lost and the least , La Salle schools are now present in 80 different countries around the world .
This issue is dedicated to St John Baptist de La Salle , to commemorate his visionary work where lives of many have been transformed . We hope you enjoy this issue of Lumen . Ora et Labora !
Explanation of the Tercentenary Logo Pope Francis once said , “ we are pilgrims from death to the fullness of life ...”
Saint John Baptist de La Salle , Patron Saint of Teachers , entered that fullness of life in 1719 . During 2019 , the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools will celebrate this 300th anniversary as the Year of Lasallian Vocations .
The De La Salle Tercentenary logo is a circle that represents the fullness of life . Within the circle is the numeral 300 in an ascending appearance to symbolize the continuing vitality of the Institute and celebration of St . La Salle ' s entry to the fullness of life . The circle has openings rather than a closed curve . Each number in the 300 has openings rather than three separate numerals . The openings indicate how the Lasallian Mission is open to going beyond its own borders . They are like portals where Lasallians can easily break barriers in their own vocational journeys and be one with those living on the peripheries .
The theme text is placed around the circle to clearly define the tercentenary celebration . While death may have separated Lasallians from their Founder , the wrap text around the circle signifies how Lasallians worldwide continue to show much heart , commitment , and life that unites them all even more profoundly in the Lasallian Mission .
Blue is chosen to follow the Institute colour .