Riding the
IP Wave
SJI started the Integrated Programme ( IP ) in 2013 . Four boys from the pioneer IP cohort who graduated in 2018 share their learning and growing journeys during their six years in SJI .
Hud B Mohammed Helmi
To say that I knew what I was getting myself into would be a lie . 13-year old me was far more concerned with the prospect of skipping ‘ O ’ -levels at any cost . IP and IB were little more than funny acronyms which seemed inconsequential at the time . However , looking back on the past 6 years , I would not have , in my wildest fantasies , wished to be anywhere else .
The journey through SJI was not without challenge . I remember first stepping into her hallowed walls and feeling a sense of both fear and awe . The brotherhood , the songs , the undeniably playful nature of young boys in an all-male environment ( which , rest assured , did not diminish over the years ) was foreign to me . I came into SJI as a rather strange kid , moody , brooding and definitely not the most outgoing individual . 6 years down the road , I share an unbreakable bond with friends I have known throughout my time in SJI , alongside many other acquaintances , rivals and teachers who have changed me into who I am today .
I entered SJI and was placed into the class of ML101 . Our form tutors , Mr . Alan Johnson and Ms . Huang Mei , were remembered fondly for their individual quirks and the time they spent nurturing us . The former eventually became my SL English Literature teacher in IB , a surprising but welcome reunion , considering that many of my fellow ML101-mates were in that same class as well . Amongst the many
friendships forged during my early years , Lee Chuan Cheng of the graduating class of 611 2018 remains as one of the most memorable individuals . As one of the first few Josephians I got to know upon entering SJI , to a CCA-mate during my stint in NPCC and co-founder of the currently defunct SJI eSports Club , he remains a close friend up to this day and an unforgettable influence on my life . I was also a SJI NPCC cadet and proudly hold the title of Best Unit Cadet 2016 . My CCA teacher and upper secondary mathematics teacher , Ms . Lynette Lin , was a great motivator who pushed me to pursue a leadership position within the CCA which enriched me with the leadership skills I possess today . I left the secondary school section in the class of LE402 2016 as vice-chairman , going forth to tackle IB .
The two years spent in the senior section was exciting to say the least with many new friendships and rivalries born , chronic coffee addictions and many sleepless nights to come . With the largest cohort to date and having the pressure of being the pioneer batch of IP boys in SJI , I clearly remember the drive that we had to prove ourselves and to not let the school down .
Looking back at my time in SJI , it would be impossible to recount all the life-changing moments , the highs and the lows , the camaraderie and the heartbreaks . To say that I knew what I was getting myself into would be a lie . Yet , if not for SJI , I would not be who I am today .
This page ( top left ): Enjoying Orientation Group Leader Training Camp
This page ( centre ): Recipient of the Best Unit Cadet 2016 This page ( bottom ): Class of LE402 , friends for a lifetime