LUMEN Issue 17 - June 2019 | Page 15

Google left a deep impression on me . I learned about working with organisational challenges and the attitude we need to have to be prepared for the future . I am most impressed at how Google creates psychological safety by providing a safe working environment for its employees , and spaces for curiosity and collaboration .
Staff who visited ResMed Pte Ltd had the opportunity to try out the outfit & experience what it feels like at the production floor ! They also learnt that in order to be prepared for the future , they need to be open and to continuously seek new solutions to adapt and change things for the better .
GIC shared about their organisational culture and its people developer framework which focused on growth mindset and skillset . GIC ’ s approach to managing staff was to focus on
process learning and development , and holding staff accountable by values-based actions and decisions . The team also learnt about the dispositions and skills that GIC seeks in potential recruits or scholars , which are important information to our graduating students .
We thank the seven companies that so graciously opened their doors to us and allowed us to learn so much from them . To many more Learning Journeys in the future !

Google left a deep impression on me . I learned about working with organisational challenges and the attitude we need to have to be prepared for the future . I am most impressed at how Google creates psychological safety by providing a safe working environment for its employees , and spaces for curiosity and collaboration .

Chen Shuying , a Chinese Language teacher .
Facing page : SJI teachers at Gaming How This page ( top left ): Trying our hands at gaming ! This page ( top right ): Jamming session at Gaming How
This page ( centre left ): Open working spaces at Google to encourage creativity and collaboration
This page ( bottom right ): All geared up to tour the production floor