LUMEN Issue 16 - December 2018 | Page 8

Besides teaching , setting tests and exams , marking , CCA , camps , trips , administrative work and family commitments , SJI staff learn continually . The Professional Development team in SJI - Anne Tan , Jeremy Liew , Karl Lee and Vivian Tan - share what they do to keep the staff updated and progressive in their mission as Lasallian educators .

A Spirit of Learning : TheProfessional

Learning Culture in SJI

Besides teaching , setting tests and exams , marking , CCA , camps , trips , administrative work and family commitments , SJI staff learn continually . The Professional Development team in SJI - Anne Tan , Jeremy Liew , Karl Lee and Vivian Tan - share what they do to keep the staff updated and progressive in their mission as Lasallian educators .

Our Beliefs

At SJI , our staff are professionals who are committed to lifelong learning , to empower Josephians to learn how to learn and to learn how to live . We believe that when we are engaged in our learning , joy and meaning follow . This is what we hope to model for our students .

Our Plan The SJI Learning & Development Plan facilitates Professional Development ( PD ) for staff at three levels – Universal ( school wide ), Selected ( department / targeted group ) and Indicated ( targeted individuals ). The 4Cs of Growth approach provides an integrated school-wide approach to PD that every staff member from school leaders to classroom teacher can plan and pursue PD growth through taking on a PD Challenge , Collaborate with colleagues , Connecting with people / organisations outside SJI and through
Coaching .
We Challenge Ourselves to Grow Professionally
• One-Minute Teacher ( OMT ) During our weekly Contact time , a volunteer teacher will share a learning point , ranging from pedagogy to reflection , success or challenge . OMT stimulates conversations among teachers to share / learn ideas and this has been a great learning starter ! “ Through the OMT experience , I was able to reflect on my educational philosophy to identify those core values that drive my teaching beliefs . OMT gave me the invaluable opportunity to have chats with teachers about how they can use ICT in their lessons .” – Ms Maggie Brown , English Literature teacher
• Teacher Talk Teacher Talk is a time for our staff to share their many talents , interests and passion besides teaching . Through the fun and enriching activities