LUMEN Issue 16 - December 2018 | Page 10

Mr Ho Kwon Ping reinforced the importance of the role of teachers who are guiding the young at this stage in their lives . As a mission school , the educators can make a huge difference in building up their confidence , resilience and a sense of purpose and meaning .
We Coach ( and hence learn ) to Maximise Potential of Self & Others
• PD friend at the SJI Learning Festival Key Personals ( KPs ) were invited to serve as PD friend to presenters at the festival . Many professional conversations were held , with the PD friends helping to sharpen the thinking , learning and growth of the presenters .
We Connect to Learn through Networking and Benchmarking
• We Learn through Sharing - SJI Learning Festival 2018
Focused on the theme ' Culture of Growth , Community of Learners ', the festival celebrates our teachers ' exploration and discovery as they embrace the process of continually learning . Participants signed up for one of 13 concurrent

Mr Ho Kwon Ping reinforced the importance of the role of teachers who are guiding the young at this stage in their lives . As a mission school , the educators can make a huge difference in building up their confidence , resilience and a sense of purpose and meaning .

“ sessions led by SJI teachers . This year , SJI extended the invitation to teachers from other schools to participate in our Learning Festival . More than 30 teachers from various schools joined us at this event .

• We Learn by going on a Learning Journey Department , Programme and School leaders organise Learning Journeys to broaden knowledge and understanding of organisations outside of school as well as learn new skills .
• We Learn through External Sharing Our teachers shared good practices with the educational fraternity both nationally and internationally . The learning from being a presenter enhances critical thinking and creativity . Mr Karthickeyen Govindaraj presented at the Integrated Programme Sharing Seminar organised MOE , and 2018 Asian Festival of Children ' s Content ( AFCC ). Mr Heng Guek Boon presented at the 2018 International Annual Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Taiwan .