LUMEN Issue 15 - June 2018 | Page 21

19 we were tasked to construct a wall that surrounded the Pame Government School - for the safety of the students . We toiled for hours under the scorching sun with no power tools ; from tearing down the existing fence to mixing cement and laying the bricks evenly , it was no easy task . However , the hard work paled in comparison to the bright smiles and gestures of gratitude displayed by the school staff and children . The principal personally marked our heads with tikka , a red powder , to bless each one of us and expressed his gratitude for all the work we have done . Though we were not expecting anything in return for our service , that was a really special gesture that moved our hearts . It really is a joy to be able to serve !
During the trip , we had many opportunities to interact with the Nepalese . Be it the students at Little Daffodils School or the women who were victims of human trafficking , our interactions allowed us to understand and empathise with their situation on a deeper level . Many of us
came to realise that aside from our circumstances and the languages we speak , we had much in common — similar taste in music , hobbies , aspirations and desire to succeed . Despite our basic Nepali and their limited English , we shared our culture and forged unique human connections with one another .
Overall , the trip to Nepal was a heartfulfilling and enriching experience . The opportunity to connect with nature , with one another , and with people of a different culture was definitely an experience of a lifetime . The scenic beauty , along with its melting pot of cultures , religions and food , makes Nepal and its people difficult to forget .
Facing page ( top ): The team arrives in Nepal
Facing page ( bottom ): Ice breakers for the Nepal Global Education Programme team
This page ( top left ): Josephians attending a cooking class in Nepal
This page ( top centre ): A mark of gratitude on our foreheads by the Principal and staff of Pame Government School
Top page ( top right and centre ): Piling up the cement for the brick fence at Pame Government School
This page ( bottom left and extreme right ): Classroom experience
This page ( right column , centre ): View of the majestic mountains from the Australian Base Camp which we hiked to