LUMEN Issue 12 - December 2016 | Page 26

Blessed are the Merciful , for they shall obtain mercy !
Initiated in 1985 by Pope John Paul II , the World Youth Day ( WYD ) is an event held once every three years . It gathers youth from all over the world for an encounter with the Pope and other like-minded youth who would like to deepen their Christian faith and journey as a follower of Christ .

Reflections on

By Noah Joel Lopez

WorldYouth Day


Blessed are the Merciful , for they shall obtain mercy !

Initiated in 1985 by Pope John Paul II , the World Youth Day ( WYD ) is an event held once every three years . It gathers youth from all over the world for an encounter with the Pope and other like-minded youth who would like to deepen their Christian faith and journey as a follower of Christ .

Surprise was written all over the flight attendant ’ s face . Perhaps after many years of serving on board Finnair flight 747 from Helsinki , Finland to Kraków , Poland , she was more accustomed to caring for predominantly Polish- Finnish passengers . However , on 26 July 2016 , nearly every continent was represented onboard the old Airbus ! As pilgrims of the 15th World Youth Day , we were all slowly making our way to the City of the Polish Kings to celebrate the vitality and energy of the Youthful Church together with our Holy Father , Pope Francis . Despite my unworthiness , I was privileged to have been given the opportunity to represent the Lasallian Youth of

Singapore in Kraków together with the Lasallian Youth Coordinator , Ed-Linddi Wong . Our experience truly revealed to us the immense mercy of God acting through the lives of many individuals .
The sound of music and praise permeated throughout the John Paul II International Airport , and even if the tune of the hymn sounded vaguely familiar , other nationalities would join in to sing in their native tongues , birthing a symphony of worship . This warm Krakówian embrace from the tarmac , after a lengthy and tiring 23-hour journey , was such a welcome . The first visual detail that struck me was the sheer number of Roman collars
and habits . Despite being a gathering for the youth , these consecrated men and women had journeyed alongside their flock who were thirsting for an experience of God and the Roman Catholic Church .
At the Welcome Mass celebrated by His Eminence , Stanisław Cardinal Dziwisz , Archbishop of Kraków in Błonia Park , we were not prepared for the 1.6 million pilgrims who descended on the park and the atmosphere had a life of its own . Finding ourselves surrounded by Poles , Germans , Italians and Ukrainians , we still managed to communicate despite the language barrier . The celebration of the Eucharist was a unique