LUMEN Issue 12 - December 2016 | Page 20

Serial Entrepreneur Pays It Forward
Not one who divulges much during the interview except for the revelation that he is a serial entrepreneur who helps passionate young students from developing countries to realize their dream project , learn and build their connection in the United States over summer , alumnus Tuan Le-Mau ' s ( Class of 2006 ) many achievements are impressive . He chooses , however , not to focus on himself and his many accomplishments .
My personal aspiration is to build a global technology company that provides innovative products and services , which in turn helps people learn better and understand themselves better .

Tuan Le-Mau

Serial Entrepreneur Pays It Forward

By Daisy Chia

Not one who divulges much during the interview except for the revelation that he is a serial entrepreneur who helps passionate young students from developing countries to realize their dream project , learn and build their connection in the United States over summer , alumnus Tuan Le-Mau ' s ( Class of 2006 ) many achievements are impressive . He chooses , however , not to focus on himself and his many accomplishments .

Self – initiated projects appear to be Tuan ’ s trademark . When he was a student in SJI , Tuan founded Nexus – a Mathematics club to bring like-minded students with a similar love for the subject together to explore their interest and hone their skills . The encouragement his Mathematics and form tutor Mrs Sng Swee Yee and other teachers gave him , made him appreciate how integral support is in the realisation of his dream . He counts this as one of his fondest memories of being a Josephian . The young people whom Tuan has come into contact with would be thankful that his experience as a foreign student did not remain a mere memory . Instead , that positive incident of seeing Nexus come to fruition had germinated that seed in Tuan to become a buttress for young Vietnamese ’ s aspirations . As a co-founder of the non-profit organisation Dream Project Incubator , Tuan and his team work to ‘ transform ambitious self-driven young Vietnamese into better thinkers and doers via intellectual engagement and mentorship ’. He is also instrumental in setting up the following : Frogsleap Foundation ( 2011 ) – a social enterprise that aims among other objectives to engage and inspire youth to undertake technological challenges to solve social problems ; ZenQuiz . net ( 2014 ) which allows users

to design their own quizzes or try any quiz that has been posted on the website ; Boston TNSV Enterprise Family ( 2015 ) which concentrates on building a spirit of entrepreneurship in enterprising Vietnamese who are based in the US , and providing them with networking opportunities ; and Edcata ( 2016 ) which supports Vietnamese who are considering an overseas education , by facilitating information sessions to cater to their needs .

My personal aspiration is to build a global technology company that provides innovative products and services , which in turn helps people learn better and understand themselves better .