Well, here it is an interview
made by Mexican Lukies to
As you can see it's been a
long interview because it
took some months to make
it and several messages too.
Maybe it is not as long as
we would've wanted to
because everyday there are
thousands of messages
and these have been the
ones we've been lucky to
be read & answered.
Let's start...
Hi Sam , How are you?
I’m doing fine with lots & lots
of work.
course I enjoyed music that was brilliant,
sports, biology, a lot of classes... english
literature I thought was great so I did enjoy a
lot of classes.
Let us know more about - That’s fantastic, I love history too.
you. What did you major
in college?
What kind of car did you own back in the
I majored in Business Finances. UK and what's your dream car?
I owned a KIA but gave it to my mother
What was your favorite when I came to Korea. I have lots of dream
cars since I'm a big car fan, I'd love to drive
I love history, I think is an old mustang and I'm a huge fan of the
important to learn from the old mini-coopers.
past in order to have a better
future so I definitely enjoy - Wow... that was so nice of you... I think a
history class at school, of lot of people would love to drive a mustang.
LUKIE?? Special Edition by Mexican Lukies