LUKIE월드 Vol. 1 | Page 6

In this show he met his good friends Eric Nam and Punita Bajaj. Later on, he sang as a duet with fellow contestant Megan Lee. The song was "Love Sick" and Sam composed and wrote the lyrics for it. Sam chose Yoon Il Sang as his mentor. After the show he invited Sam to Nega Network and introduced him to producer Jeong SeongHeon, and his actual fellow members Teo and Yun. As a workaholic he's always at the studio working with Teo and Yun to make great music for their fans, that's the reason why every two weeks there's a new cover song in english and even two new songs, the summer single ??? and Stardust which he composed. He started to learn spanish to communicate 05 with his fans but due to so much work he stopped, but now he is learning mandarin too for his overseas promotions and working hard on the new album. This year on april 8th Sam started to work as a DJ at Arirang Radio a program called Super Kpop which is a daily show that has a lot of demand from the fans, not only in Korea but overseas too. Everyday in the program there is a special corner that makes it even more interesting for the listeners along with his sexy british accent. In the program you can interact with him through