LUKIE 월드 Vol. 1 | Page 7

the message board on web page or the app. The daily sections at Super KPop are Super KPop Quiz, Sam’s Choice (Sam shares with us his favorite music or the ones he’s been listening lately), I’m A Journalist (the listeners send in any kind of news about their Country or personal life), KPop Connection, Luna?y Shoot, KStar & Live, KPop Rising, Beat & Bounce (with Jinbo) and Talk Talk Talk (with Punita), KPop Legend and Sunday Crossover. Sections that have been removed from the show are: KRock Roots with Jake Chang and Together As One (were Sam learned languages). The program has become so popular that is now transmited from Monday to Friday live in Australia and Hong Kong. Like all talented musicians, he is looking for for new challenges and his new goals are to compose and produce for other artists. This is the second year Sam is able to celebrate his birthday with lukies and this year malaysian lukies will be able to congratulate him personally at his concert. It is also the ?rst year that we celebrate it with him as iLukie4tumx, we expect it can be the ?rst of many more celebrating this amazing boy as much as all the goals he reaches all along his career & personally, because we shared his joy and happiness too. 06 LUKIE?? Special Edition by Mexican Lukies