LUKIE 월드 Vol. 1 | Page 21

Wow, there are so many great experiences with Super K-Pop, I can’t just choose one... Every time you read my messages or any message from Mexican Lukies. But the most signi?cant I’d say are the ones that made me feel so close to you, like my friend, because that is the way you make us feel when you answer or read our messages at SK, these are a few of many examples: *When you read my report about SKAD and said it was one of the best you’ve got. Mexico Marendi *When you shout “Viva Mexico” on my Independence Day report, I felt so grateful & liked the fact you like history, like me. *When you thanked Luz for throwing a birthday party for me... wow, I was speechless the way you said it, it felt like my big brother was thanking her... *When you say some words in spanish or shoutout what we ask you to, even if you have no idea what it means (of course we never sent bad or nasty messages). *Every single Monday & Friday it’s amazing!!!! So much fun with Punita & the boys. *When you congratulate me on my birthday, and the next Monday, because my friend asked you to tell Yun to sing to me, even if it was late ^^ & I won an Annyong Bada’s CD, it felt like a birthday present xD *When I asked you to sing live at the studio my favorite song “Kisses” and you said you’ll do it next week just for me, haven’t happened but still made me happy and obviously every time you mention my beautiful country & you say you wanna come. It gives me so much hope I’ll meet you personally one day. Thanks to all of the above I've developed a severe SKAD… even if I have to wake up at 2 am every morning just to hear you live ^^ 20 LUKIE?? Special Edition by Mexican Lukies