LUKIE 월드 Vol. 1 | Page 11

Some time ago you started to tweet in spanish but all of a sudden you stopped so I’m wondering how is your spanish going? I hope it is improving... My spanish... you know I need to work a bit harder on my spanish, I think I’m not at a stage where I can say too much in spanish. - Well at least you can say the basics. 3 things that come to your mind when I mention Mexico: Fantastic food. Beautiful women I guess would be another one... The film “Once upon a time in Mexico” one of my favorite films. Well to ?nish this amazing interview let’s do a speedy quiz, ready? Day or night? Night Sweet or salty? Sweet Beach or City? City Cold or Hot? Cold SKAD or BDC? SKAD Thank you very much for your time we’ve had a pleasant time & hope you did as well. We expect you & the boys to come soon to Mexico so you can check by yourselves the fantastic food, beautiful women, landscapes, love & warmth you can get in our amazing country. 10 LUKIE?? Special Edition by Mexican Lukies