LUCE estratti LUCE 326_Carminati_Scuola Grande di San Rocco | Page 10
Francesco Pianta, Cicerone (Allegoria
della Scultura) / Cicero (Allegory of Sculpture)
Giovani Marchiori, dettaglio di bassorilievo
sulla vita di San Rocco / detail of bas-relief
on the life of Saint Roch
Francesco Pianta, Tintoretto (Allegoria
della Pittura) / Tintoretto (Allegory of Painting)
A destra / On the right:
Francesco Pianta, Furore e Spia o Curiosità /
Fury and Curiosity
rectangular and round projectors of the View
series with Optilinear optics have been inserted
to provide, respectively, an indirect ceiling
lighting, and a punctual accent effect, with a 16°,
28°, and 46° optics.
Just below the Tintoretto’s canvasses that tell the
life of Christ and above the wooden panels, an
electrified miniaturized track is placed along the
longitudinal sides of the room, housing and
hiding the new lighting fixtures that have been
specifically engineered to meet the precise and
rigorous design requirements, through an
extruded aluminium with elliptical optics and
the related accessories that distribute the
luminous flux over the entire pictorial surface
with a semi-oblique effect. The light of these
fixtures restores body and depth to the wooden
allegories by Francesco Pianta on the walnut
panels along the hall, the bas-reliefs by Giovanni
Marchiori, and architectural details such as the
large mullioned windows and the altar.
The wooden allegories by Francesco Pianta are
illuminated with precise and delicately balanced
light flows that enhance the expressive,
three-dimensional nature of the figures
represented. The plastic effect of the wooden
decorations is enhanced by an accent light
provided by the tiny Palco projector, mounted on
a Low Voltage track. The latter is supported by
arms that detach it of approximately 45 cm from
the wall on which the projectors with crossed
beams are located.
The cabinets on either side of the altar are
illuminated using a double luminous flux floor
system. On the one hand, the Palco luminaires
with 42° optics allow a diffused lighting on the
entire vertical surface, while on the other the
accent effect on specific colour fields is made
possible by the small profiles of the Palco Framer
line, always mounted on Low voltage tracks,
enhancing the bas-reliefs by Giovanni Marchiori.
Finally, the lighting of the mullioned windows, of
the sculptures on pedestal, and of the
architectural archetypes of the altar are the result
of a careful comparison between the shape, the
plastic relief of the elements, and the width of
the light beam combined with its directionality.
Part of the elements that characterize the context,
the historical perimetral lanterns have been
maintained and equipped with customized
lamps, circular in shape, with opal screen and
RGBW technology. The white light emitted has a
warm, 2,500K colour temperature that recalls the
historic glow of candles. The coloured light effect
of these luminaires is used only during special
events or ceremonies. In the rest of the hall, two
main colour temperatures and a colour rendering
“The light we are talking
about nowadays, and
of which we will talk about
in the future, is a light that
we try to shape and bring
toward the direction
of growth, contemplation,
and awareness of cultural
heritage and art”
higher than Ra 90 are used for the lighting of the
artworks: 3,000 K for the paintings by Tintoretto
and for the golden ceiling; 2,700 K for the dark
wooden parts, without gilding and light shades,
so as to increase the sculptural effect of the wood.
The management and control of the hall
luminous scenarios is entrusted to a digital
system using the DALI protocol, which allows a
flexible level of light intensity of both individual
luminaires and those grouped for homogeneous
areas, thus allowing for different interpretations
of artworks and decorations.
A light that helps to recover a vision hierarchy; a
light to illuminate (basis and response to purely
functional needs), but also to see (the will to
discover and understand the contents) and to
feel (emotional level). That very same light that
for the Guardian Grando of the Scuola, Franco
Posocco, “is a metaphor of knowledge, since it
brings out the form and makes it alive, drawing
it from the nothingness, from the shadows of
Committente / Client
Confraternita della Scuola Grande
di San Rocco
Coordinatore progetto / Project coordinator
Ing. Demetrio Sonaglioni
Progettazione illuminotecnica /
Lighting design
Studio Pasetti lighting
Arch. Alberto Pasetti Bombardella
con / with
Arch. Chiara Brunello
Arch. Claudia Bettini
Sponsor tecnico / Technical sponsor
iGuzzini illuminazione
Montaggio / Installation
Bieffezeta Srl
Carpenteria metallica / Metal carpentry
Dumasca Srl
Restauro bracieri Fortuny / Fortuny
braziers restoration
Ruggero Corazza