����������������� for the energy transition
“ Il ruolo dell ’ illuminazione è fondamentale , ��������������������������������������������� settori residenziale e commerciale , che delle industrie e delle nostre città , ma anche in termini di sicurezza , monitoraggio e corretta manutenzione della rete , che sarà sempre più digitalizzata ”, ����������������������������� global exhibition director della divisione ��������������������������Per questo , la luce non poteva non essere presente anche nella prossima edizione di KEY , con spazi e momenti dedicati a cura di AIDI : un partner consolidato , con cui siamo felici di continuare a collaborare con successo ”.
Presso Sustainable City saranno presenti aziende , professionisti , Associazioni , multiutilites e Pubblica Amministrazione , per confrontarsi sul futuro di una luce sempre più intelligente , interattiva e sostenibile . L ’ area sarà posta in continuità con quella dedicata alla e-mobility , per evidenziare connessioni e sinergie .
KEY25 conferma , inoltre , i settori dedicati a solare , eolico , energy storage������������� energetica e amplia il focus sull ’ idrogeno , con il nuovo Salone HYPE - Hydrogen Power Expo supported by Hydrogen & Fuel Cells , promosso ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ lavoro , KEY25 ospiterà anche l ’ iniziativa Green Jobs & Skill .
La nuova edizione della manifestazione , per cui si prevede una crescita dei brand espositori di oltre il 20 %, avrà un respiro ancora più ������������������������������������������������� di network di riferimento per la community globale della transizione energetica .
����������������� for the energy transition
From 5 to 7 March 2025 , the IEG event KEY returns to the Rimini Trade Fair Light will be among the ������������������������������ City area and in the talks organised by AIDI
Lighting can be among the solutions for the reduction of energy consumption , thus helping to lower CO 2 emissions in cities and achieve decarbonisation goals . The already widely used LED technologies together with new innovative solutions make lighting increasingly sustainable from an environmental as well as an economic perspective . A well-designed lighting system can improve the quality of life and the safety in cities by creating an interconnected ecosystem where it is possible to monitor and manage lighting in real time , adapting it to actual needs through sensors and IoT technologies .
Light therefore plays a key role in the green future . For this reason , KEY – The Energy Transition Expo������������������������������ �������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� theme of lighting in its next edition too , which ������������������������������������������� Rimini Exhibition Centre .
The new layout , extended and distributed ��������������������������������������������� west - of the exhibition centre for a total ������������������������������������������ the Sustainable City sector , dedicated to smart city design . This area will showcase ������������������������������������������� and redevelopment of real estate assets , ICT solutions and products for services , buildings , smart grids and sustainable mobility , electric and hybrid cars , car and bike sharing , smart parking , electric public transport , integrated transport apps and energy communities , not forgetting cutting-edge technologies such as AI , digital twin and augmented reality . There will also be in-depth discussions on the topic ������������������������������������������������ AIDI ( Associazione Italiana di Illuminazione ) and in the Incontri di luce area , the stage for talks organised by the Association .
“ The role of lighting is fundamental , to improve ������������������������������������������������ commercial sectors , as well as of industries and of our cities , but also in terms of safety , monitoring and proper maintenance of the network , which will be increasingly digitalised ,” ������������������������������������������� director of the Green & Technology division of IEG . “ For this reason , light could not fail to be present also in the next edition of KEY , with dedicated spaces and moments curated by AIDI : a consolidated partner , with whom we are happy to continue to collaborate successfully .”
Sustainable City will be attended by companies , professionals , associations , multi-utilites and the public administration , to discuss the future of an increasingly intelligent , interactive and sustainable lighting . The area will be placed in contiguity with the one dedicated to e-mobility , to highlight connections and synergies .
KEY25������������������������������������ to solar , wind , energy storage and energy ��������������������������������������������� with the new HYPE - Hydrogen Power Expo supported by Hydrogen & Fuel Cells , promoted ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������� �������������������������������������������� supply and demand , KEY25 will also host the Green Jobs & Skill initiative .
The new edition of the event , for which a growth of over 20 % in exhibiting brands is expected , will have an even more international scope , thus strengthening its role as a reference network for the global energy transition community . LUCE 350 / COMPANIES REPORT 19