LUCE 350 | Page 19

From the streets of the city centre to the Mole Antonelliana : Torino lights up with Iren
Scia ' mano , installazione di Luigi Ontani / Scia ' mano , installation by Luigi Ontani
photo © Claudio Pastrone photo © Claudio Pastrone ; courtesy FIAF

From the streets of the city centre to the Mole Antonelliana : Torino lights up with Iren

As the new year approaches , the Iren Group is committed to renewing two important collaborations , capable of combining art and closeness to the territory . ������������Luci d ’ Artista����������������������� 27th edition , of which the Group has been a partner since its inception . This initiative ��������������������������������������������� Turin becomes the capital of contemporary art , transforming the city into an open-air laboratory of artistic research for the following months . In fact , the 28 works of art , installed on 25 October , will light up the city , forming a true itinerary of contemporary art until 12 January 2025 .
Scattered throughout the central districts of Turin , but not only , the exceptional luminarias are created by great Italian and international artists . This year , the path will also be enriched by two new works , again engineered and installed by Iren , which will be located ������������������������������������������� Piazza Carlo Felice . The partnership not only aims to enhance the community by supporting the art and ����������������������������������������������� tourists the opportunity to rediscover classical works of art , but also acts as a reference for the ecological transition of the event , placing ������������������������������ As well as ensuring operation and emergency service through its company Iren Smart Solutions , the Group is also sharpening its focus on sustainability : thanks to around 1 million light sources , nearly all LEDs , there will be higher brightness with reduced ���������������������������������������� connecting the lights with a total power of �������������
Orizzonti , installazione di Giovanni Anselmo / ���������� installation by Giovanni Anselmo
Then , a real leading character of the trail of ����������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� installation Il volo dei numeri ( The Flight of Numbers ), inspired by the famous Fibonacci sequence , in which each number is the sum of the previous two . The motif , recurring in the artist ’ s work , is here expressed as a metaphor for energy and is placed in relation ������������������������������������ It is Iren ’ s energy that makes it possible to turn the monument , symbol of Turin , into a stage for visual art , alongside the Luci d ’ Artista event . As of 2018 , in fact , the Group has decided to entirely redesign the dome ’ s lighting , taking charge of the installation and operation of the entire system composed of ������������������������������������������� adopt high-power multi-chip LED technology that guarantees not only excellent colour mixing and electronic brightness control , but also a 50 % saving in electricity . In addition , during the Christmas period and ����������������������������������������������� a sparkling setting , thanks to the installation of 2,500 LED strobe lamps that were implemented by Iren with the involvement of specialised mountaineering technicians , who took part in a real challenge to make the most of the historic dome . All we have to do is wait until Christmas to be able to admire these extraordinary lights ������������������������������������������ sequences , creating a glittering sparkling light .