Innovative lighting control for indoor and outdoor applications : the HubSense system from Inventronics
���������������������������������������������� progetto che coinvolgeva oltre 400 lampade è stato completato con successo in sole 4 ore . Inoltre , il sistema supporta il monitoraggio remoto del consumo energetico e dei dati di occupazione , tramite una dashboard di facile utilizzo . Ciò consente un ’ ottimizzazione ���������������������������������������� riduzione dei costi operativi . Nel complesso , HubSense di Inventronics ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� economico e facile da usare grazie alla tecnologia avanzata e standardizzata Bluetooth Mesh . In particolare rappresenta una soluzione sostenibile e orientata al futuro per quanto riguarda i progetti di ������������������������� esistenti .
Innovative lighting control for indoor and outdoor applications : the HubSense system from Inventronics
The requirements placed on modern lighting control systems have fundamentally changed in the last few years . Jason Ford , Technical Director at Inventronics UK , sheds light on the developments and strengths of the HubSense system . The focus today is less on ��������������������������������������������� themselves , but rather on innovative control ���������������������������������������� The merger of OSRAM Digital Systems
Immagine della messa in funzione / Commissioning image
and Inventronics has created synergies ��������������������������������������� expertise with the strengths of Inventronics ��������������������������������������������� new Inventronics thus created enables an innovative approach on the global level , for example when it comes to lighting control with HubSense . HubSense���������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� controls . The system demonstrates its strengths especially in existing buildings in which cabling would be both cost- and ������������������������������Bluetooth Mesh technology ( NLC ), HubSense enables wireless communication between devices without ����������������������������������������������� device acting as an autonomous node , the system is fail-safe and boasts high scalability . Another key advantage is its user-friendly ����������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� of groups and automation strategies . This saves valuable time and ensures smooth ����������������������������������������� be planned and optimized well before the installation takes place . The system is designed for easy integration : Obsolete luminaires can be replaced by state-of-the-art LED light sources featuring integrated wireless control , entirely without any need to lay additional cables . This ������������������������������������������� advantage for facilities like schools or factories ������������������������������������HubSense , it is also possible to modernize a lighting installation step by step because additional features , such as manual controllers and sensors , can even be added later on . The intuitive operation and scalability of HubSense have considerably increased people ’ s interest in wireless control systems . Even initially skeptical customers are now ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� of more than 400 luminaires could be successfully completed within only 4 hours ! In addition , the system supports the remote monitoring of energy use and occupancy data via a user-friendly dashboard . This enables the ������������������������������������������� and the reduction of operating costs . In a nutshell : HubSense from Inventronics is ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ based on the cutting-edge , standardized Bluetooth Mesh technology . Thus , it is a sustainable and future-oriented solution , ��������������������������������������������� buildings .
���������������������� ������������������ www . inventronicsglobal . com / hubsense Applicazione in esterno / Outdoor application