LUCE 350 | Page 13

Nallibaana : Cariboni Group ’ s Eco Centric lighting in Finland
photo © Henri Luoma integrati negli apparecchi Nallibaana ha ��������������������������������������� mezzanotte e di 1800 K da mezzanotte in poi . La città di Oulu ha dimostrato come l ’ illuminazione in contesti naturali dovrebbe , e può , garantire sia funzionalità che un basso impatto sull ’ equilibrio ambientale .

Nallibaana : Cariboni Group ’ s Eco Centric lighting in Finland

From the city of Oulu in Finland , crossing a pedestrian bridge , you can reach the island of Pikisaari . In the past , Pikisaari was an ��������������������������������������������������� the port of Oulu and numerous shipyards . Pikisaari ’ s transformation into the charming district it is today came about in the 1970s , after its factories stopped operating and the Oulu Arts and Crafts School was established . Since then , Pikisaari has been inhabited by an active community of artists , craftsmen and students and the former factories have been converted over time into cultural facilities . Pikisaari Island and the entire Oulu area comprise a rich natural treasure : forests ,
pagina di apertura e sopra / opening page and top La nuova illuminazione della strada Nallibaana che collega l ’ isola di ����������������������������������������� The new lighting of the Nallibaana road that connects the island of ���������������������������������������
wetlands and aquatic environments that are home to animals that have coexisted with humans in a well-established balance for years . There is a long road , called Nallibaana , which connects the island of Pikisaari to Oulu through green areas , beaches and sports facilities . In April 2024 , the city of Oulu embarked on the redevelopment of this road �������������������������������������������� from a vehicular road to an only cycling and pedestrian path . ��������������������������������������� of Pikisaari to the rest of the city without compromising its identity and without disturbing the balance between inhabitants , visitors and nature that distinguishes the island . In compliance with the extremely sensitive natural context , the lighting design has involved the choice of luminaires on low poles and photometric distributions suitable to soften light dispersion in the surrounding environment as much as possible . In order to further curb light pollution , the Ramboll studio in charge of the lighting design opted for one of Cariboni Group ’ s Eco Centric Lighting solutions . Eco Centric Lighting ( ECL ) is the name that , starting in 2022 , Cariboni Group has pioneered for a new approach ���������������������������������������������� illuminated space safe and comfortable not only for humans but for all of nature . Underlying the Eco Centric Lighting������������ the awareness that we humans are not the only inhabitants of the outdoor environments and that a more responsible and antispeciesist lighting of these spaces is urgently needed . In order to truly respect our planet , it is necessary to go beyond conventions and regulations regarding eco-sustainability by creating new standards .
Studio Ramboll ’ s lighting design uses the Cariboni Group ’ s Volta products from the Eco Centric Lighting catalogue that incorporate Switchable White technology . This technology makes it possible to alternate a very warm �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� presence is low , and with a warm light with �������������������������������������������� human visual performance when there are more people present . This choice stems ���������������������������������������� researches that have shown that the blue component of light , although fundamental to �������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� reproduction , nutrition and , in general , the life of animal species near anthropised areas . In fact , most nocturnal animals are particularly sensitive to blue light and thus a lighting with a spectral distribution that extends to shorter wavelengths causes increased problems of disorientation , attraction and alteration of the predator and prey relationship . Thanks to the use of timers integrated in the luminaires , the Nallibaana path has a colour temperature of 3000 K until midnight and 1800 K from midnight onwards . The city of Oulu has shown how lighting in natural contexts should , and can , ensure both functionality and a low impact on the environmental balance . LUCE 350 / COMPANIES REPORT 11