LUCE 348 | Page 27

Un ’ iniziativa dove sarà presente come media partner LUCE che supporta l ’ Associazione nella mission di divulgare la cultura della luce da oltre 60 anni . Un ’ ultima informazione : il sistema editoriale LUCE si arricchisce di un sito LUCEweb completamente aggiornato , innovativo e dinamico per essere ancora più performante e vicino ai lettori e alle loro esigenze professionali e curiosità . Tanti sono i temi e gli argomenti che vengono trattati con un approccio multidisciplinare e un ’ attenzione particolare alla sostenibilità : storie , progetti , prodotti di luce , design , architettura , cinema , teatro , arte e molto di più …
Light , architecture , design and art as forms of social responsibility
“ How great the world is in the light of the lamps and in the eyes of memory , how small and slight ...” so wrote the great poet Charles ����������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� role on visual and performing arts , literature and human thought . The connection between light , culture and society is as profound as its interaction with science , art and the social environment . This is why studying and better understanding this wonderful element is essential , because it involves the whole of society and not only those working in the ������������������������������������������������� requires light to tell the story of society and its changes . It is a connection that becomes apparent from the story of the designs created by those who have a cultured vision of lighting . I use the adjective ‘’ cultured ‘’ rather than cultural because , in my opinion , it better expresses the added value of knowledge understood as intellectual curiosity paving the way for an innovative , creative design that knows how to look beyond light and , above all , into the future . This is the vision that emerges from the interview with Carlo Ratti , an architect , and engineer , the director of the ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� the curator of the next Venice Biennale of Architecture . He is a curious professional , open to novelties and interdisciplinary discussion , and he is attentive to the interpretation of society and its changes . He tells us about ���������������������������������������������� relationship with technology . A relationship in which a free , innovative thought that is always ready for new challenges stands out , which characterises his entire training and professional career . Light and architecture as forms of cultural and social responsibility is the common thread that ties together many of the interviews and projects we present in this issue . So , to give a few sneak peeks , we collected the testimony ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ work that combines design , research and activism on behalf of the planet , also thanks to the founding of a ���������������� for interdisciplinary research on the commons of humanity and , above all , on climate
��������������������������������������������� and co-founder with Nevena Kovacevic of Light Follows Behaviour , tells us about her commitment to disseminating the impact of the culture of light on a sociological level . An innovative and sustainable vision of architecture and light also emerges in the Novartis Pavillon Zero Energy Media Façade ������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������ where sophisticated architectural balances and the use of new technological and green solutions allow the beauty of emotional impact to coexist perfectly with sustainability . It is a social responsibility that pervades the art world too . The ongoing 60th Venice Biennale is entirely dedicated to the relationship with the emerging continents , South America , ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� Adriano Pedrosa , celebrates the ties between ����������������������������������������� investigates the delicate relationship between peoples and the epochal transformations taking place , and it is told to us by Alberto ��������������������������������������������� has illuminated prestigious museums , historic palaces and works of art . Innovation and the ability to interpret the present in a critical and responsible manner also lead us to the world of design . The ������������������������������������������ everything we saw during the Milan Furniture Fair and the Fuorisalone is to be considered design in the sense of design thinking that accompanies and represents , explains or anticipates the becoming of contemporaneity . ��������������������������������������� creative horizons ? The architect , lecturer and design expert Silvana Annicchiarico with her contribution helps us to better understand what is new in this discipline and gives us a critical reading of the Milano Design Week . The special issue is dedicated to urban light through an interview with Simonetta Cenci , an architect and urban planner , who talks about the need to conceive lighting no longer as a mere functional tool , but as a dimension of living in the city , and with the story of the new lighting design for the city of Perugia . It represents a good example of collaboration between the local administration , Edison Next and the University . The cover of this issue is designed and signed by architect Alfonso Femia , who well interprets the need for proper lighting as a fundamental element for our survival . He explains it with these words : “ We need light ... to slow down and turn our gaze towards the light , to imagine and look out over horizons drawn by light and to share and recount moments in the light , and in the shadow of ideas light is time and we are time .” Understanding the past and the present in order to be ready in the near future , bearing in mind that the present is already far ahead of what we may think , is the cultural objective of the 21st National Congress of AIDI ( Italian Lighting Association ) ������������������������ on 24 and 25 June . Two intense days of work with keynotes , round tables and interactive workshops to address topics of great interest and topicality with the awareness of how necessary it is for both companies ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ can translate not only into greater wellbeing for human beings but also that of the surrounding ecosystem . In this initiative LUCE will be present as media partner , supporting the Association in its mission of spreading the culture of light since over 60 years . One last piece of information : LUCE ’ s editorial system is enriched with a completely updated , innovative and dynamic LUCEweb site to be even more performing and closer to readers and their professional needs and curiosities . ������������������������������������������ multidisciplinary approach and a special focus on sustainability : stories , projects , lighting products , design , architecture , cinema , ������������������������������