LUCE 348 | Page 13

photo © Daniele Cortese photo © Stefano Anzini
temporizzatori o sensori , è possibile limitare l ’ inquinamento luminoso per il benessere di ogni forma di vita . Per Cariboni Group , Spoon non è solo un prodotto : racconta la creatività , la ricerca e la progettualità . Spoon rappresenta l ’ incontro tra impresa e studio di progettazione , il dialogo , la condivisione di una visione : la Città Buona . ��������������������������������������������� architetture responsabili e generose e di una luce che si prenda cura dello spazio delle ���������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� spazio .
sopra / top Spoon Ceiling Large
sotto / below Alfonso Femia e Dante Cariboni


: a new urban lighting system
Spoon is the urban lighting system conceived by Alfonso Femia / AF * Design for the Cariboni Group . The project stems from a ��������������������������������������������� is an object that has been relegated to a �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� urban comfort , it is necessary to synchronise lighting with contemporary scenarios . This ����������������������������������������� lamps capable of dialoguing and reacting to ������������������������������������������������ but as integrated and consistent with the rewriting of cities . Spoon is a dynamic urban element , almost a living body that can suit ������������������������������������������
������������������������������������������ environment . The four new lamps , resulting from the collaboration between the studio ��������������������������������������� adjustable orientations and a wide variety of ������������������������������������������� the supporting structure via a joint that allows its inclination to be continuously adjusted to ensure high precision light emission aiming . �������������������������������������������� at various heights on tall , sharp vertical poles , on low cylindrical rods , on the wall or on the ceiling . ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� the lighting of horizontal surfaces , such as pathways and urban spaces , and of vertical surfaces , such as façades , installations or monuments . Numerous optical distribution options are available for each luminaire to ����������������������������������������� public place lighting : squares , vehicle paths , cycle-pedestrian paths , avenues , parks , gardens , arcades , entrances , etc . Spoon is not simply functional to the urban space , but shapes it and makes it everchanging . Shapes and colours become distinctive elements that powerfully ������������������������������������������ the lighting systems become urban signs that with their champagne colour identify the environment as they vibrate in natural light , at night , they enhance the urban landscape with the quality and variety of their light distributions . Conceived in line with Eco-Design principles , Spoon is extremely robust and has excellent corrosion resistance . In order to further extend the life span of the product the electronic components , as they are the less durable elements of the lighting system , can be easily replaced for repair or upgrading . Again with a view to eco-sustainability , the Cariboni Group has decided to integrate its Eco-Centric Lighting optical systems into this new product line , which give night a new balance between light and darkness while ���������������������������������������������� fauna and the human need for safety and wellbeing . Through the reduction of non-useful light emissions , the modulation of blue light radiation and the use of timers or sensors , ������������������������������������������������� all living things . For the Cariboni Group , Spoon is not just a product : it tells about creativity , research and design . Spoon represents the encounter between the company and the design studio , the dialogue , the sharing of a vision : the Good City������������������������������������� of a responsible and generous architecture and a light that takes care of the space of relationships . As stated by Alfonso Femia ������������������������������������������ space . LUCE 348 / COMPANIES REPORT 11