Inventronics and Osram Digital Systems ( formerly ): how to build a brighter future
Sometimes greatness is achieved only when two forces come together . That is precisely what has happened with the successful merger of Inventronics and Osram Digital Systems – a perfect match in which their combined strength is more than double their individual capabilities . Global growth prospects are opening up for the combination under the refreshed Inventronics brand . With a century of experience in the lighting industry behind Osram Digital Systems coupled with the dynamism and agility of a young , 15-yearold company , Inventronics has set itself the target of becoming the leading global provider of LED drivers and power supplies for professional lighting solutions . This ����������������������������������������������� corporate design . Inventronics has changed its corporate color from blue to orange by way of acknowledging its newly acquired Osram heritage . “ We are delighted to be embarking on a new chapter with Inventronics ,” said Gernot Steinlesberger , CEO of the Digital Systems business unit at Inventronics , adding “ The combination of our portfolio , our market reach and our dedicated focus on lighting will bring substantial value to our customers .” Marshall Miles , CEO Inventronics , also expressed his enthusiasm , stating “ We are dedicated to becoming the premier supplier of components for the lighting industry . This merger underscores our commitment to our customers and the global lighting market .” Their ambition is to develop products today that will shape the industry and our everyday lives in the future . The fruits of this culture ������������������������������������������������ dependable products for both indoor and outdoor applications , on which customers in the lighting industry can continue to rely on . It is not only customers , partners and investors ���������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� career and development opportunities , not only at the professional level but also – in view of large number of sites around the globe – at the personal level . With its innovative , �������������������������������������������� art products , Inventronics is working hard at the human and societal level to bring about a brighter future and a society worth living in . The best way to learn all about the new orange Inventronics and our latest products is at upcoming trade fairs and events such as Light + Intelligent Building Middle East from 16 to 18 January 2024 at the Dubai World Trade Center and Light + Building in Frankfurt from 3 to 8 March 2024 . We look forward to welcoming you to our stand .
pagina precedente / previous page La sede di Inventronics / Inventronics Headquarters
sopra / top I sistemi di Inventronics per strade , sentieri , parcheggi , parchi urbani e campi sportivi / The Inventronics systems for roads , paths , parking lots , ����������������������������
a sinistra / left I sistemi Inventronics per il settore dell ' ospitalità / The Inventronics systems for hospitality LUCE 346 / COMPANIES REPORT 17