LUCE 345 | Page 27

PAD STREET LUMEITALIA , dettagli / details
Dettaglio sistema Z-OTP / Z-OTP System , detail

Beyond the standard , the design and future vision of LUMEITALIA

I sitpossibleforacompanytocharacterisethe

product offering by breaking away from all standards and leaving the designer free to express newconceptsandproposals ? Theanswerispositive and this is what LUMEITALIA , a brand of the MYA TECH group that produces lighting products for all environments - urban , tunnel , large spaces , commercial and indoor , has done . Mathias Benvegnù and Marco Andreoni , respectively product manager and sales manager of LUMEITALIA , talk about this topic and explain whyitisworthmovingawayfromstandardsand venturing into an unexplored world . The commercial proposal of a product tied to the standardscurrentlyonthemarketleaveslittle roomforItaliancreativity , unlessitischaracterised by real added values such as aesthetics , efficiency and technology . Nowadays , there is no difference betweenalampproducedinVietnamandone producedinEurope , butaEuropeancompany cannot compete economically with Asian products . This shows how a product declared as Made in Italy , when it is made only according to market standards but without aiming for innovation , does not create added value . Instead , it is fundamental to invest in design and production in order to find a sustainable path of innovation . TheLED , whichisatthemomenttheonly democratically available light source , still has many fieldsofuseanddevelopment , butemploying standardised optics implies the adoption of a compulsory design shape and thus the quality of the technical development of luminaires is drastically decreased . In the first decade of the 2000s , with the advent of the first LEDs , the Mya Tech Group was one of the drivers of change , having designed and manufactured systems for the leading lighting manufacturers of the time . The LED ushered in a new era in design by launching new ideas and aesthetic possibilities . This creative explosion breathedlifeintoanindustrythatwassuffering passivelyfromalackofinnovation . Wecansaythat
in the early years of the catalogue transformation , generated by the inclusion of the new LED sources , wesawthelightingindustryreviveandgothrough a period that can be compared to a new lighting renaissance . Today , however , imposing standards is a way of flattening the offer and is driving manufacturers back to very low comparative values . Efficiency is communicated , even if often not correctly , and also aproduct ’ sabilitytobeecologicallysustainable , but creativity and non-conformist design , the true strength of Italian design that has distinguished us for centuries , is forgotten . Today , as mentioned earlier , it is very difficult to tell the difference between a European street or architectural luminaire and an Asian product . And designers , no longer finding space in Europe , have turned to Asian companies that are much more willing to offer innovative products . Throughout history , Italy has created excellence and innovationineverysector , thankstoentrepreneurs who endowed with creativity and intuition . In addition , our country has given ample space to designers and creative people who have always rebelled against massification and standards . The automotive sector with companies such as Ferrari , Lamborghini , Bugatti , and Piaggio is an example ofthis . Movingoverintotheworldmarket , wecan see how the lateral thinking of creative people has laid foundations for making very innovative items that have also become icons of mass production . We can mention as examples the BIC pens in 1950 , or the sneakers ( the tennis shoes invented by Charles Goodyear ) and the remote control , invented in 1956 by Alan Levine , an innovation that , as we use remote control technology , is still relevant today . If , instead of using creativity , they had all simply followed the standards of the time to help their companies grow , they probably would not still be remembered today . LUMEITALIA was born with an innovative spirit and has built research and development into its DNA . Thecompany ’ smissionistosearchforanew way of transforming lighting fixtures , exploiting
all the technologies that our evolved world makes available to us , that is materials , IT technologies and IoT , hence granting designers complete freedom of design expression and rejecting stereotypes that are now almost “ toxic ”. Our goal is to emerge from a saturated and repetitive market with products of high aesthetic recognisability , equipped with innovative functions and useful for public and private management . We would like to redesign theurbanlandscapewishingtobestowbeauty and harmony , creating innovative scenarios but in full respect of the environment . We would like Italian companies to be challenged on their ability to best express their innate talents of creativity and development and to create a competition less based only on standards . This would be a true renaissance of the Made in Italy design . We are particularly fond of an aphorism by an anonymous author who says : “ Iamveryinterestedinthefuture : thatiswhereIwill spend the rest of my life .”
Dettaglio modulo RFSQ retrofit / RFSQ retrofit module , detail LUCE 345 25