LUCE 344 | Page 13

Today we talk about sustainability and circularity as a high topic linked to communication and marketing , but what are the tangible actions that can be carried out in this sense by a company that produces light sources and lighting fixtures ? Matthias Benvegnù product manager of LUMEITALIA , explains it to us .

“ Right from its inception , the MYA TECH group ( innovation engine of the LUMEITALIA brand ) is firmly anchored in the research and development of cutting-edge lighting solutions and as a supplier of LED lights . Already in the years preceding the post-pandemic push , the company was very focused on designing systems aimed at recycling its end-of-life components . This approach has now led to the creation of a full-fledged manufacturing business , parallel to the conventional one . In fact , a department for the design , development and manufacturing of tailor-made elements has been created , in order to give technologically new light sources to lighting fixtures - such as lanterns , marine luminaires and street lamps , which are still in a good condition , or to LED lights that are exhausted and need to be replaced . And in 2022 alone , we upgraded 40,000 lighting points according to these criteria . At this very point in time , a very strong activity of relamping is taking place in Italy , thanks to Consip tenders and NRRP ( National Recovery and Resilience Plan ) funds , leading to the release into the environment of products that will be subject of recycling and circularity policies in 10 to 12 years . Hence , at present , when a company makes a luminaire it must be an act of responsibility that involves attention not only to the performance and efficiency of the products , but also to the resources that are spent in the manufacturing process itself both for emissions and consumption of raw materials used . The products that we , at LUMEITALIA , bring to the market are made in a way that allows us to offer a free pre-paid return service . More specifically , we put an economic value on the product that will be handed back to us at the end of its lifetime , since it is , right from the start , conceived as recyclable in all its parts , giving rise to a true circular process . Also the RETROFIT modules of the RFSQ-LX new generation are part of this policy that aims at making us increasingly able to source our raw materials directly from the re-use of our own products , to refurbish and renew them . We believe that a company that makes lamps , or any other items having a function , should sell the use of the same and take on the onus of recovering the object at the end of its life . Companies need to organise their own line of return management , where they take the object back and refurbish and restore it , with even more advanced technologies , in order to bring it back to the market , encouraging the re-use of refurbished products . This effort , already in use in the world of electronics - on mobile phones , tablets and computers , is according to LUMEITALIA the way forward for a real circular economy that can bring over time not only environmental benefits but also economic opportunities for the whole sector . Moreover , boosting a new market for the second-life products could also be a useful deterrent to non-European products that , not uncommonly , pay little attention to circularity and the environment . Pushing and promoting a sustainable economy is not only a good marketing concept , but more importantly , it means acting with practical , effective and

“ Re ” Way , the sustainability policy of LUMEITALIA

RE-cycle , RE-furbish , RE-store , RE-use
proven actions , investigating both all aspects of the manufacturing cycle and new ways of using a product . With this in mind , the use of new smart technologies is helpful not only for monitoring the performance of products , but also for communicating with them , surveying their status and location , and implementing technologies that make it possible to detect anomalies and proceed with replacement in the event of malfunctioning . LUMEITALIA , with its LUME . FI system , is today able to have continuous monitoring and mapping of its products . It is the unit itself that communicates with us , with the service manager and the maintenance technician in the event of anomalies , by identifying the damaged part of the product so that targeted and precise service actions can be performed , and this also allows the manufacturer to become an active player throughout its entire functional life . Indeed , it must not only be the warranty that ties the relationship between the manufacturer and the user , but the former ’ s responsibility to follow all the product stages including the end of lifetime .”
Prodotto Retrofit ( RFSQLX ) + Sostenibilità + Circular Economy / Product Retrofit ( RFSQLX ) + Sustainability + Circular Economy LUCE 344 11