The restyling of the lighting in Villaggio Crespi d ’ Adda , a hamlet in the municipality of Capriate San Gervasio ( BG ), has just been completed . The settlement is an extraordinary testimony to the phenomenon of late 19th century Company Towns . In 1995 UNESCO included it in the World Heritage List as the most complete and intact example of a workers ’ village in Southern Europe . We are proud to have contributed with our products to the renewal of the lighting of this jewel of industrial architecture and to have taken part in a complex project , developed to balance the practical needs of energy requalification with the aesthetic criteria of enhancing the area . The lighting redevelopment project , commissioned by the Capriate San Gervasio Municipality , was developed with the aim of improving the efficiency of the existing lighting system , enhancing the less well-lit areas of the Village for the sake of safety and decorum . Products and types of lighting were selected in agreement with the Superintendency to enhance the evocative atmosphere of the village and with particular attention to the recovery of existing lighting elements . The planning of the interventions follows the well-ordered urban layout of the settlement that , designed on the model of the 19th century garden cities , has a longitudinal north-south
A new light for the company town of Crespi d ’ Adda
development . Corso Manzoni , the main street , separates it into two distinct vertical bands : the industrial area to the west and the residential area to the east . The industrial area is dominated by the important neo-medieval cotton mill , with its monumental entrance , tall chimneys and brick shed buildings . The residential area is organised according to a network of gardens on which the Anglo-Saxonstyle workers ’ dwellings and executive cottages are built . Public spaces and services are distributed in a functional manner within the built-up area , forming a break in the regularity of the urban landscape . The products were selected and designed to blend in with the style of the settlement . For Corso Manzoni , the street bordering the industrial building , custom-designed luminaires were developed , fitted on existing poles or custommade on the basis of the original model . The same type of luminaire was used in the residential area , in a pendant version or with a cable-stayed attachment . For public spaces of particular value , LED Refitting
Kits were created to preserve the existing classical lighting products . New cast-iron poles and artistic classical lighting fixtures were installed in valuable locations where the lighting needed to be upgraded . The redevelopment project led to a 65 % reduction in consumption , thanks to the optical performance of the products , the dimming systems integrated in the luminaires and the design ability to interpret the variety of optics available according to requirements . The desire to enhance the urban space at night required special attention to the colour and quality of light . Luminaires have been supplied with a state-ofthe-art optical system for high visual comfort ; they are equipped with a colour temperature of of 3000 ° K , a CRI 80 that provides the most realistic colour rendering of objects and a colour consistency of less than 3 MacAdam steps , thereby ensuring the absence of colour variations visible to the human eye . The warm light makes it possible to appreciate the original colours and materials and to clearly enjoy the charm of an unusual and striking landscape .
Parco di Piazzale Vittorio Veneto . Negli spazi pubblici di particolare valore sono stati inseriti nuovi pali in ghisa e corpi illuminanti artistici per dare continuità formale all ’ illuminazione classica esistente . I corpi illuminanti sono stati equipaggiati con un sistema ottico che assicura elevato comfort visivo e flessibilità ottica . Lo stesso sistema è stato utilizzato per i Kit Refitting LED implementato nei corpi illuminanti dei pali esistenti / Park in Piazzale Vittorio Veneto . New cast iron poles and artistic light fittings were installed in the public spaces of particular value to give formal continuity to the existing classical lighting . The luminaires were equipped with an optical system that ensures high visual comfort and optical flexibility . The same system was used for the LED Refitting Kits implemented in the luminaires of the existing poles
Progetto illuminotecnico : Per . Ind . Pierangelo Pavoni Aggiudicatario della gara per le opere di installazione : Accurli S . r . l .
Le foto sono pubblicate su concessione della Città di Capriate San Gervasio - Villaggio Operaio di Crespi d ’ Adda Patrimonio Mondiale dell ’ Umanità
LUCE 338 15