LUCE 335 | Page 34

“ Partecipation is key ” The coordinators ’ appeal

The coordinators of CIE Italy , Laura Bellia and Giuseppe Rossi , explain why it is of capital importance to work inside the Divisions , both at national and international level

The journey of LUCE inside the world of CIE , the Commission Internationale de l ’ Éclairage , continues . After having presented the work carried out by the Divisions 1 and 8 ( LUCE 334 ), it is the turn of the Divisions 4 and 6 of CIE Italy , coordinated respectively by Giuseppe Rossi and Laura Bellia . The first one deals with Transportation and Exterior Applications , and the latter with Photobiology and Photochemistry . In other words , Division 4 deals with the study of outdoor and signalling light applications and the preparation of guidelines for lighting design in the areas of competence ; Division 6 studies the effects of optical radiation on biological systems , including the visible spectrum and the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum , excluding visual effects , as well as photochemical actions on organisms and materials .

“ The italian expertise is beyond doubt . We must be present ”
For many years , Giuseppe Rossi worked at Galileo Ferraris ( now INRiM ) and has always been involved in photometry , characterisation of materials for lighting applications and metrological aspects of lighting for roads and works of art . He has also been a technical inspector for Accredia . Due to his many years of experience , just over a year ago the President of the National Committee of CIE Italy , Paolo Di Lecce , called him to coordinate Division 4 . “ I also accepted because I now have time to devote to research , which has been my bread and butter for years . I am at home in the CIE , having been involved in the work of the Division for over 16 years , from 1989 to 2015 . I accepted , confident in a transitional assignment .” Rossi says he is partly satisfied with the work being done on behalf of the National Committee . “ In these twelve months , the members of the division have had the opportunity to get to know each other and to dive deeper into the most important technical documents . In doing so , the worlds of university , research and industry have come together . And this is
something that I consider important , hence my satisfaction . However , I am less optimistic about the work within certain groups , which would need experimental knowledge to move forward . This is an area in which we are lacking . The experimental investigation needs resources . It was only through the funds from the European Surface project that it was possible to refine both knowledge and methodologies and specify new equipment for the technical committee dealing with the characterization of road surfaces . And in all of this , the Italian contribution has been important .” Rossi paints a picture only partly satisfying , but he does not fail to record other positive facts . “ I have been able to verify the interest of the manufacturing world , especially of street and sports lighting manufacturers . And this is because our country has some peculiarities . For example , we share the record number of kilometres of roads and motorways in tunnels with Japan .”
“ More presence and with more synergy ”
Laura Bellia , Professor at the Federico II University in Naples and scientific manager of CIE Italy , speaks to us in her capacity as coordinator of Division 6 and as its representative at international level . Her division is named Photobiology and Photochemistry . “ What I coordinate – Bellia says – is a very special division , as there are several features that make it different from the other ones . For example , our research and study activities have a strong connection with medical and health aspects .”
Laura Bellia
In fact , in this phase of the pandemic a deeply felt issue is the sanitation of environments . “ That is right . We need to know more about the behaviour of certain light sources . I am thinking of the new LED systems that emit Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation ; this is a sterilisation method that uses ultraviolet light in the UV-C wavelength range , as with traditional mercury vapour sources , but with different wavelengths than the latter . For that reason , we need a specific characterization . The International Division recently produced a position statement on these issues , providing general information .” Another topic of interest is the revision of the standards for the assessment of the photobiological hazards posed by the optical radiation of lighting sources . “ The latter is an increasingly recurring theme – the scientific director of CIE Italy continues –, and it will remain so in the near future . Surely , we will have to work hard on this theme too . In the last international plenary session , we also discussed the use of light in horticulture ; we need to review the nomenclature and make some order in this particular discipline .” However , it is the issue of participation that is at the heart of the CIE Italy scientific director ’ s thoughts . “ It is a fact that , at this stage , the attendance at the work of Division 6 is not very high , compared with the attendance in other divisions . This is true for us , but also at an international level . It depends on the particular nature of the topics being addressed . But , it must be said that , in general , the Joint Technical Committees always have the largest number of participants .” This is true on the international scene , but if we look at the domestic scene , how are things going ? How is the participation ? “ We don ’ t have a lot of memberships . There are still very few active committees . However , it must be borne in mind that Italian experts participate in the work in other capacities , for example under the ISO or IEC hat . That ’ s why we need to create synergies with the